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Re: Bug# 93448 [Re: [Pan-users] Article selection]

From: Jacob Ilsø Christensen
Subject: Re: Bug# 93448 [Re: [Pan-users] Article selection]
Date: 17 Sep 2002 16:35:55 +0200


Yes, that is the behaviour I am seeing (with current cvs).


On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 02:53, Himanshu J. Gohel wrote:
> "Jacob Ilsø Christensen" asked:
> > I have a question regarding selecting multiple articles via the shift
> > and arrow keys. Is it intended behaviour that releasing shift and
> > pressing it again starts a new selection instead of extending the
> > present selection?
> Hello Jacob,
> I'm using Pan 0.11.4, and I see the same behavior as you describe.  I
> think this is a bug.  Just to restate, the behavior I expect (and I think
> you do too) is:
> After the first selection, if SHIFT key is held down for the next
> selection, the selection should be extended to include all the items from
> the first selection to the present one, in either direction (up or down).
> One can continue to change the selection, but if the SHIFT key is held
> down AT THE TIME OF SELECTION then the selection should be extended from
> the original selection, not the previous selection.
> At present this works, BUT with the caveat that if you release the SHIFT
> key and press it again, Pan seems to restart the selection from the
> previously selected to the new one, rather than from the original
> selection to the current one.
> I filed a bug on this: bug id# 93448, please add your name to it if you'd
> like.  Charles (and Pan team), this may have something to do with bug id
> 82901 also?
> Himanshu
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