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Re: [Pan-users] a new bug in pan 0.13.0

From: Jeff Vian
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] a new bug in pan 0.13.0
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002 21:01:39 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9) Gecko/20020408

This is not the default behavior from the earlier versions, and CERTAINLY NOT because of a missing directory in this case.

The dir I saved to does exist, and it does not matter whether this is a first-time save after starting pan or if this is immediately following another save.

It is using my home dir and not even the default dir for pan.

Vadim Berezniker wrote:

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002 06:58:56 -0500
Jeff Vian <address@hidden> wrote:

With the 12.X versions of pan this worked, now it does not.

When I do a save attachment with ctrl-S the dialog box opens up (good)
If I enter the path for the attachment to be saved to in the test box
it works (good) :-)
If I use the browse button to select the path to save to, it now goes
to my home directory and I have to navigate to the location to use.
It appears the "last saved location" is no longer being passed to the directory navigation dialog and the only thing it has to start with is

my home directory.

This is repeatable at will, and it does not matter if I have already saved an attachment, or if this is the first time I try to save one
for this session.

In the prior versions (12.X) the last used location is what the select

dialog opened with.

I believe it will go to your home directory in the case the last
directory you saved to no longer exists ...

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