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Re: [Pan-users] Pan on OS X / Jaguar

From: Charles Kerr
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Pan on OS X / Jaguar
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 07:38:55 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.20i

On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 10:30:53AM -0400, Bob Koss wrote:
> I upgraded my Mac to Jaguar, upgraded Xdarwin, upgraded fink.... but when I
> try to start Pan now, I get these errors:
> address@hidden:~$ pan&
> [1] 17721
> address@hidden:~$
> ** (pan:17721): WARNING **: Couldn't load font "Sans 10" falling back to
> "Sans 10"
> ** (pan:17721): WARNING **: Couldn't load font "Sans 10" falling back to
> "Sans 10"
> ** (pan:17721): WARNING **: All font failbacks failed!!!!
> [1]+  Exit 1                  pan
> address@hidden:~$
> There was some discussion in the archives about a missing config.xml file
> but the conversations seemed to have stopped before the issue was resolved.
> Can somebody help me out?

Upgrading to would be the best bet.  As of that version,
by default Pan uses your system fonts rather than imposing its own.

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