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Re: [Pan-users] Pan on OS X / Jaguar

From: Bob Koss
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Pan on OS X / Jaguar
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 13:17:16 -0400
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/

On 9/26/02 1:08 PM, "Charles Kerr" <address@hidden> wrote:

>> Pan 0.12 has five prerequisites, which need to be installed in this order:
>> libxml2 (version 2.4.22 or higher), glib2 (2.0.4 or higher),
>> atk (1.0.1 or higher), pango (1.0.1 or higher), and gtk2 (2.0.5 or higher).
>> while the requirements page simply has libxml2 and gtk+ as prerequisites.
> The former list is more helpful, but both are correct: glib2, atk, and pango
> are actually prereqisites for gtk2 and are implicit in the second list.

Thank you.

Sadly, I can't even get past the first step on the hints page. pkgconfig
won't compile.

Is anyone on this list using OS X 10.2 ?

Robert Koss, Ph.D.     | Training, Mentoring, Contract Development
Senior Consultant      | Object Oriented Design, C++, Java   | Extreme Programming

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