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Re: [Pan-users] Re: Problems compiling windows pan using

From: hpcudskhulcy
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Re: Problems compiling windows pan using
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 22:12:03 -0400

I've run into the same problem mentioned below trying to compile gnet
under win32..specifically the dnslookup will follows:

RE: [Pan-devel] RE: Problems setting up to build Pan on Windows...
From:   Paul Hudson
Subject:        RE: [Pan-devel] RE: Problems setting up to build Pan on
Date:   Sat, 27 Dec 2003 19:05:05 -0000
>> The "sanity check" for Gnet fails. I don't know what the problem is,though.
>> Has anyone successfully built from the current CVS HEAD for Gnet?

> Check config.log, the (or or in general provide
more details than just "fails".  :)

Sorry, I meant the examples/dnslookup.exe test fails. The make "works".
example is no more informative than that :(

A possible solution is offered in this post:
[gnet] GNET2 with Mingw
Stephane Rouleau srouleau at
Sun Feb 29 23:02:11 EST 2004

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Good day,

I've decided to compile 'Pan' for Win32 using Mingw, as outlined at  Here's the
GNET2-relevant information from the file:

2.5 GNET
+ Pan needs GNet to run.
* There's better support for mingw building after 2.0.4.
  As of this writing 2.0.4 is the latest release, so this means using CVS
  HEAD for now.
* remove the echoclient-unix and echoserver-unix lines from
* remove from the lines about adding extra warning flags to
CFLAGS if the compiler is gcc.
* ./configure --disable-pthreads --prefix=/opt/gnet2;
* add "-lws2_32" after -liconv in examples/Makefile
* make; make install
* edit /opt/gnet2/lib/pkgconfig/gnet-2.0.pc:
  Add " -lws2_32 " to the end of the "Libs:" line.
* Sanity check: "$ examples/dnslookup.exe" should work at
this point.
* Sanity check: "$ pkg-config --libs gnet-2.0" should work, and should
include -lws2_32

As far as I can tell, there's nothing major here.  The only problem was
that the dnslookup.exe was failing, as well as Pan
naturally.  I've traced it to WSAStartup() not being called (even though
it's in DllMain in gnet-private.c).  I've patched my
version so gnet_init() calls it (which, to me, appears to make more sense
in case someone links with GNET2 statically).

I've compiled from the snapshot available at

I probably did something wrong in my setup, hence the required patch. 
Any thoughts?

Stephane Rouleau

------ what exactly do I need to do to "have gnet_init() call
WSAStartup()"  ????


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