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[Pan-users] Frequent Freezes in Pan 0.14.2 through X11

From: Michael
Subject: [Pan-users] Frequent Freezes in Pan 0.14.2 through X11
Date: Sat, 8 May 2004 14:24:56 -0700

I'm a new user to Pan. While I love it's quick, no-fault downloads, I'm having a problem with frequent (perceived) freezes while performing common tasks. For instance, when I mark an entire group read, the whole program just kinda stalls. If I have downloads in progress, I know that the files are still coming in, as I can see them piling up in the downloads directory. But the app just sits there. It's unresponsive, I can't change windows, I can't select/deselect any items, headers, menus even.

I'm using Pan 0.14.2 through X11 on Mac OS X 10.3.3, 400 MHz G3, 1 GB RAM. I have copious amounts of disk space left, in the range of 30-40 GB.

Can someone help me understand why this happens? I let it go for up to a half an hour before I just shut down X11, thus losing all sorts of saved information. As I said above, I perceive this to be a freeze because the app is unresponsive, but because I'm new to working with Pan, and especially through X11, I don't know if it's the UI that's unresponsive or the whole app.

I would appreciate any advice at all!


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