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Re: [Pan-users] Can No Longer View or Download Full Newsgroup List

From: David Kelly
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Can No Longer View or Download Full Newsgroup List
Date: Fri, 21 May 2004 13:33:44 -0500

On May 21, 2004, at 12:13 PM, Emily Jackson wrote:

This problem affects both Pan 0.14.2 and [Mac OS X 10.3.3]; if
I try to view the full newsgroup list, Pan crashes with the following

** ERROR **: file pan-object.c: line 68 (pan_object_unref): assertion
failed: (o->ref_count>=0)

I tried downloading the full newsgroup list, and just before the list
finished downloading, Pan aborted with the same error. I tried
re-compiling and rebuilding Pan from scratch, but that didn't help.
*Any* help would be most appreciated.

Go look at the logs in System Profiler (blue Apple menu, About This Mac, More Info... Logs is last in the column on the left). I am guessing you hit a process memory allocation limit by trying to download headers from a large group.

Have recently had the same problems with Pan on FreeBSD. Eventually got tired of the problem and limited my "All Headers" download to a cool million. Then before the machine crashed found 700,000 to delete. Pan works much better and faster with only 300k messages in a group to deal with at a time.

That was the big thing I learned, that "delete" only removes the header from the local header listing rather than attempt to cancel the message at the news server. That proper use of delete in Pan will speed things up and reduce resource consumption.

In a tcsh shell (forgot if tcsh or bash was default in Terminal, its tcsh for me) the command "limits" and "limits -h" will show current process limits and hard (the ones which can not be defeated without kernel changes) process limits. This route is of questionable use as I doubt your Pan is launched from a Terminal shell. Off the top of my head I don't know how to control the environment space on processes launched by Finder but know There Is A Way.

Takes a lot of memory resources to track 1E6 messages which is more common these days.

I use PC hardware running FreeBSD to do the grunt work. A dual G4-867 MDD to do fun stuff.

David Kelly N4HHE, address@hidden
Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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