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[Pan-users] compiling on windows

From: K. Haley
Subject: [Pan-users] compiling on windows
Date: Fri, 28 May 2004 05:14:21 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.6 (Windows/20040502)

There have been several messages lately asking about building pan on windows. I would've sent this sooner but I've been busy working on GNET. Here is my version of compiling. ( putting everything in seprate directories should also work)

1. GTK+ & GTK+ devlopment libraries from . I installed them into their default directories - "Program Files" & "Dev-C++" respectively.

2. Gnome Common from . While this is only needed for compiling from CVS, at some point you'll probably want to so go ahead and install it. --prefix=/c/Dev-C++

3. LIBXML2 - more recent versions of GTK+ than the one I currently use come with it. Try pkgconfig --cflags libxml-2.0 , if it works then move on. The last version I compiled was 2.6.9. There is a typo in xpath.c line 10927, just add a ) before the ;. Once fixed just configure --prefix=/c/Dev-C++ , make, make install. NOTE: make tests will fails due to line endings.

4. GNET - the curent released version is 2.0.5 which does not compile OOB. I recomend using CVS at this point as configure works as well as some windows bug fixes.

5. INTLTOOL - I don't recall having any problems installing this.

Because I put everything in the same directory as GTK+dev I didn't need to change PKG_CONFIG_PATH. Now you should be able to compile pan. As for AM_ICONV, the only solution I can think of is to use glib's iconv wrappers.

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