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[Pan-users] Re: global scores

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: global scores
Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 10:51:33 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.128 (SR/CL: Leitmotiv: Toynbee Idea)

Thufir <address@hidden> posted
address@hidden, excerpted below, on  Fri, 04 May 2007 06:55:12

> Am I missing the option to make scores which are good across groups,
> servers?  Must it be done by hand?

I don't believe servers make a difference at all.  pan's scoring is 
entirely server transparent, it ignores it.

As for groups, there are several methods to make a score apply without 
regard to groups using the scoring GUI.  One is setting the group 
qualifier dropdown to "contains", and simply putting a single "." in the 
corresponding textbox, since groups generally contain at least one dot.  
Another, related but negated way, would be to set either "does not 
contain" or "isn't", and put ".." in the textbox, since the dot functions 
as a separator and therefore should not appear twice in a row.

That said, I'd really recommend taking the time to learn how to edit the 
scorefile by hand.  Among other reasons, the pan entries contain huge 
amounts of cruft and aren't that efficient.  When I edited mine to remove 
the newsgroup regex stuff that old-pan took but new-pan doesn't, I 
reduced over a hundred scores to less than ten (compound) scores, in two 
sections, according to pan's log of the startup scorefile parsing, in 
addition to removing the many unnecessary lines of comments and blank 
lines pan adds for each operational line it creates.  (I generally keep 
the created time comment for expiring scores, but add some of my own 
comments on occasion.)

For illustration's sake and as I had posted it before on request, so 
folks evidently find it useful, here's an abridged copy of my scorefile, 
including comment lines briefly describing the format, and URLs to the 
more formal documentation.  It should give you an idea of how clean yet 
simple the file can be.  (Certain addresses masked for public posting, 
and the actual file is somewhat longer than this.)

As you can see, I've used %### comment lines to set off sections (mine, 
not what pan calls sections), with expiring stuff in its own section, and 
a double delimiter line at the end, below which will be anything pan has 
added before I've edited it into its appropriate section by hand.

% PAN scorefile
% Very close to SLRN's format at
% but with case insensitivity (not other differences) from
% xnews at

% [newsgroup.*] wildcard (not regex) format (~ negates).
% header lines regex. (~ negates).
% Score conditions, single : and, double :: or.
% Expires: immed. below score if present.
% Leading % indicates comment
% Leading whitespace and blank lines ignored.
% Regex and newsgroup matches case insensitive with
% keyword:, sensitive with keyword=.
% Newsgroup change delimits section,
% Score delimits "rule", multiple rules per section allowed.
% Comment after score becomes rule "name".

% Score levels: <=-9999 kill, -9998 to -1 low,
%               0, 1 - 4999 med, 5000 - 9998 high, >=9999 watch

Score:: =-9999 %Alt kill
        From: sex coed
        From: NudeGirls
        From: voyeur only
        From: amateur
        From: SEXmag
        From: teens
        From: intermixed
        From: rectal

        Subject: adult movies
        Subject: dupped
        Subject: ^\([-0-9/]*\)
        Subject: Use critical pack from Microsoft Corporation
        Subject: R/-\\PE
        Subject: R/-\|PE

Score:: =9999 %Cox Watched (Cox employee)
        From: <address@hidden>$
        From: ^Jay Munsterman <address@hidden>$
        From: ^Steven Flynn <address@hidden>$
        From: CoxTech1
        From: ^David Knight <address@hidden>$
Score:: 100 %Cox Med
        From: ^Howard Christeller <address@hidden>$
        From: ^Sean <address@hidden>$
Score:: 5000 %Cox Hi
        From: ^Lenroc <address@hidden>$
Score:: =-9999 %Cox Kill (repeat-kill)
        From: ^"John Smith" <address@hidden>$
        From: John Shocked
        From: You Got Punked\, Bitch
        From: address@hidden>


%Score created by Pan on Thu Apr 26 01:59:31 2007
Score:: =-9999
        Expires: 10/29/2007
        From: ^"snake plisken" <address@hidden>$


Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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