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Re: [Pan-users] Re: pre-downloading articles

From: Brad Rogers
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Re: pre-downloading articles
Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 19:20:54 +0100

On Fri, 4 May 2007 11:16:08 +0000 (UTC)
Duncan <address@hidden> wrote:

Hello Duncan,

> > bodies at the same time as the headers.  I'm fairly sure it's
> > coming, but IIRC, it's on the post 1.x release to-do list.
> Agreed, it's on the active todo list, but for post-1.0.

Ah, I thought I'd read it somewhere.  I just couldn't find it.  Thank
$DEITY I was right.   :-)
> What I do for binaries (for text I download on demand) is download 
> overviews (what everybody calls headers, even tho that's not really 

I do that for binaries myself, since I rarely want /everything/ in a
binaries group.

> That works well here, but using a local news server such as leafnode
> is the other alternative, used by many.

I've got enough on my plate ATM, without having to figure out
leafnode, too.   :-)

With better knowledge of Linux in general, I've decided to re-install,
from scratch.  I've invested in an external HD to save /home to, so I
can re-instate all required prefs files (I *don't* want to have to
recreate a few dozen email & news filters, killfiles, score files, etc.

> stabilized.  Meanwhile, one of the above solutions, either using the
> two-stage download to cache and process from there, or using leafnode
> or another external but local news server, should work.

I'm not desperate for anything that's currently on the to-do list for
Pan.  The wait won't kill me.  In fact, I'm grateful that there are
people out there than care enough to code such excellent software,
because I'm a complete duffer at writing code.

I mean, I had trouble with BASIC.   :-(

 Regards  _
         / )           "The blindingly obvious is
        / _)rad        never immediately apparent"

Love is a temple, love is a shrine
You Have Placed A Chill In My Heart - Eurythmics

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