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[Pan-users] Re: global scores

From: Lenny_Nero
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: global scores
Date: Sat, 26 May 2007 04:05:31 +0100
User-agent: Pan; L_N build

Thufir said

> Am I missing the option to make scores which are good across groups, 
> servers?  Must it be done by hand?
> Thanks,
> Thufir

I use [part of the name that is in all groups]...
        Score:: =5111
        Subject: vim.win32|gvim|[g].vimrc
for something that I want to mach a few groups i.e. any groups with
editor in the name.

I use [*] for something that I want to cover all groups i.e. globle...
        Score: =-9999
        References: news\.uff\.

        Score:: =9001
        Subject: win2000|w32|windows|w2k|win2[k3]
if I want to hit just one group by using just the group name. I only do my
score files by hand, saves all the unneeded trash, you can get them right
down smaller, but they can be a bit harder to skim thru, and not so good
for people starting out.


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