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[Pan-users] Re: clicking on any header-pane bar, only re-sorts header li

From: walt
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: clicking on any header-pane bar, only re-sorts header lines by Date only
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 01:40:27 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.132 (Waxed in Black)

On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 16:28:31 +0000, SciFi wrote:

> Hi,
> When I click on the Subject bar atop the header pane, it only ends up
> re-sorting by Date.  In fact clicking on _any_ of the header bars like
> that, will only re-sort by Date (increasing or decreasing, each time the
> opposite direction).
> Funny thing is, tho, that the particular clicked-on column is coloured
> vertically, as if it /is/ being sorted.
> I'm running pan2 from the svn repo.  I'm also tracking most if not all
> the gnome components from their respective svn repos, too, so I'm on the
> bleeding edge of all this stuff, in case it makes any difference.

I would say yes, definitely, it makes a difference.  Charles has made
it clear in the past that a good many bugs have been due to bugs or
changes in gtk.  Are you tracking gtk from svn also?  And glib?
> Also, I'm now running MacOSX on a 24-inch iMac with Intel Core2 Duo (my
> ppc machines are unreachable ATM).

Ah, that's why you can't afford to buy software ;o)

> And I'm seeing a few more problems but those are minor (can't see
> complete jpg attachments etc. once again if > 1 part)....

Seems that bug has been fixed more than once in the past.

Well, without evidence I can't suggest anything more than some trivial
experiments to try.  Are things changed in any way by:

Using 'z' to zoom from tabbed to non-tabbed mode?
Switching between threaded/non-threaded display?
Renaming your ~/.pan2 directory so pan starts over from scratch?
Starting pan from a command prompt to look for error messages?

Oh, and are the non-Date columns sorted correctly in the first place,
even though you can't actually change the sorting on those columns?

BTW, I'm running gtk+-2.10.13 and glib-2.12.12 and the sorting works
normally on my pan built from svn.

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