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Re: [Pan-users] 502 rejected by RADIUS: (no message)

From: Paul J. Dudley
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] 502 rejected by RADIUS: (no message)
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 10:17:33 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071031)

 Hey y'all,

 Thank you for your replies. I was on the support chat line and/or phone
from about 10:45am to just after 5:00pm discussing this issue with
Earthlinks support persons yesterday. They bounced me from support
to billing and back to support (only this time it was their master techs)
and still no resolution. Setup - setup - I couldn't get it through their
heads that there were no changes in my setup. There were no problems
in my setup. By search engine I did find a few articles that discussed
the '502' error and all pointed to server - not client. And I let them know.

 I am a heavy newsgroup user and I depend heavily on them, having used
them in one form or other since DEC Notes back in '82. And yes I have
been hammering away downloading MP3 files ( select/download 30 or
so and then head out to do errands while they download ). I am beginning
to believe ( actually it was my first thought ) that I had been purposely
shut off. But then why didn't they just inform me that I was exceeding
some unmentioned limit or something.

 I've done support in the past (VAX/VMS and VAX Cluster mgt ) and I
knew when I was in over my head. But I never in my life pushed and kept
pushing it back on the customer like they did me.  When I was stumped
I would say " I understand what you're saying and I'm on it". Then I
would beat my resources (including my peers) until a solution was had.

 Well ... today is another day. And though I have not yet called them
back, at some point today I will. Only now I feel, and with help you all
have shared, better prepared to throw their server in their face. Once
done I will post my/their findings.

 Thanks again,


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