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[Pan-users] Re: old trouble : can't email -- SOLVED

From: Beartooth Sciurivore
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: old trouble : can't email -- SOLVED
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 16:37:33 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.132 (Waxed in Black)

On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 20:09:02 -0500, Rinaldi J. Montessi wrote:
> Linus once posted this in the lkml (yeah, even Linus goes OT on
> occasion;-):
> alias xterm="xterm -fa andale:size=11:charwidth=10"
> Rinaldi

        What's lkml?? The Linux Kernel Mailing List that Google finds?? 
If so, I better watch out. Kernels are way over my head ....

        Anyway, I tried simply giving that whole alias command, copied 
and pasted, as user. It did help. It got rid of the gray background, and 
enlarged the terminal a little.

        So I tried two or three more times, increasing the numbers, up to 
15 and 14 instead of 11 and 10 -- but didn't see any discernible further 

        What am I missing??

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Evangelist
Fedora 8; Ubuntu 7.10; CentOS 5.1; Alpine 1.0, Pan 0.132; Privoxy 3.0.6
Remember I know little (precious little!) of what I am talking about.

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