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[Pan-users] Re: Pan 0.132 - Problem with

From: walt
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: Pan 0.132 - Problem with
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 23:49:12 +0000 (UTC)

On Sun, 27 Jul 2008 23:40:55 +0200, Per Hedeland wrote:

> ... 
> I.e. if a news reader implements (e.g.) the CAPABILITIES command, it
> will probably have to be prepared for the "500 Command unrecognized"
> response for another two decades or so. I'm not sure why walt brought
> this up though, since pan doesn't implement/use CAPABILITIES, i.e.
> there's no problem there - 

Just to comment on the nntp compliance of the server, nothing more.
Your excellent explanation of the history of the protocol makes it
clear that it's not a meaningful criterion to use.

> the problem is (as he pointed out) with the
> 503 response to the "LIST NEWSGROUPS" command - and this is a plain pan
> bug.
> 503 is a perfectly valid response here - RFC 977 has it as "program
> fault - command not performed" which sounds a bit drastic, but it's
> clear that the command failed and that trying it again isn't likely to
> help - but in pan's NNTP code it's specified as
>       ERROR_TIMEOUT              = 503
> - which seems pretty bizarre to me...

It seemed that way to me too, but Charles is the expert around here :)

> The trivial patch below seems to fix the problem (using the RFC 3977
> definition for the "code name").
> ...
> --Per Hedeland

Excellent, thank you.  Charles has been accepting and committing patches
again just lately, even though he doesn't mention it here.  If you open
a new bug report and attach your patch, it may actually get committed.
Or I can do it if you're busy.  Just let us know.

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