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[Pan-users] patch: support for multiple spellchecker languages

From: Rui Maciel
Subject: [Pan-users] patch: support for multiple spellchecker languages
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 18:48:59 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9

Hi all,

I've tinkered a bit with Pan's source code and I've managed to implement 
support for custom, per-newsgroup spellchecker language. 

At the moment GtkSpell v2 doesn't offer a way to produce a list of all 
available languages, so it isn't possible to set the language through a nifty 
combo box. Fortunately GtkSpell still supports non-system locales as long as 
a valid language tag (i.e., "pt_PT") of an available dictionary is specified. 
That means that, with this patch, we only need to edit a group's preferences 
and manually add the desired language tag in a text entry widget and all is 
well. If the user manages to screw things up and enter an invalid language 
tag then Pan just goes on with the system locale.

Nonetheless, once GtkSpell v3 is released or if Enchant is added as a 
dependency then the whole combo box thingy can be quickly implemented.

Hope this helps,
Rui Maciel

Attachment: custom_spellchecker.diff
Description: Text Data

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