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[Pan-users] Re: patch: support for multiple spellchecker languages

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: patch: support for multiple spellchecker languages
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 01:03:38 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.133 (House of Butterflies)

Rui Maciel <address@hidden> posted
address@hidden, excerpted below, on  Wed, 20 Aug
2008 18:48:59 +0100:

> I've tinkered a bit with Pan's source code and I've managed to implement
> support for custom, per-newsgroup spellchecker language.
> At the moment GtkSpell v2 doesn't offer a way to produce a list of all
> available languages, so it isn't possible to set the language through a
> nifty combo box. Fortunately GtkSpell still supports non-system locales
> as long as a valid language tag (i.e., "pt_PT") of an available
> dictionary is specified. That means that, with this patch, we only need
> to edit a group's preferences and manually add the desired language tag
> in a text entry widget and all is well. If the user manages to screw
> things up and enter an invalid language tag then Pan just goes on with
> the system locale.
> Nonetheless, once GtkSpell v3 is released or if Enchant is added as a
> dependency then the whole combo box thingy can be quickly implemented.

I only write English (to any useful degree anyway) so this won't directly 
affect me personally, but I know it'll be a welcome change for many! =:^)

I don't expect Charles will want to add the additional enchant 
dependency, but then, he hasn't been too keen on complicated settings 
either.  Thus it may be that he won't add this right away, tho I'd hope 
he will, with or without the enchant dependency (which would after all 
still be linked to the spelling option, which can be turned off along 
with its dependencies at compile time).

Either way, tho, PLEASE PLEASE either open a bug with this and attach the 
patch.  Even if Charles doesn't include the patch upstream right away, 
it's likely various distributions will.  In the bug, you can reference 
your post and further discussion here as:

When you have a bug number/URL, please post a followup here with it, as 
I'd like to submit it for Gentoo inclusion ASAP, and they'll be much more 
likely to carry it if it's already bugged upstream.  Or if you'd prefer 
to let me, say so, and I'll referencing your post as above (as I probably 
will in a week or so anyway if you don't get to it).

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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