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[Pan-users] Re: new messages always marked "read"

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: new messages always marked "read"
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 08:00:33 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.133 (House of Butterflies)

walt <address@hidden> posted
address@hidden, excerpted below, on  Thu, 11 Sep 2008 02:47:42

> On Wed, 10 Sep 2008 17:09:42 -0700, Jay Nitikman wrote:
>> Recently, my NNTP news-provider moved their servers to a new site. 
>> Now, whenever I download headers of new messages, they are always all
>> marked "read" before I get a chance to read them.  I cannot easily tell
>> read from unread messages...
> This happens because each news server assigns its own article numbers to
> individual articles.  If you wait long enough the problem will fix
> itself, but it might take a long time.

Well stated.  I'll only add that when the server per group article 
sequence numbering changes, either due to server problems or switching 
servers (either you or your provider, if they didn't take care to 
maintain numbering), it's often easiest to simply add a new server and 
delete the old one.  That way pan treats it as the new server it is, new 
numbering, etc, and nothing gets mixed up.

With newer pan (anything 0.90 or newer, so obviously 0.132), you don't 
even have to resubscribe to newsgroups, since a group subscription now 
applies to any configured server that carries it.  The only problem may 
be the posting server used, since adding a new server and deleting the 
old one won't necessarily fix the posting server settings, located in 
posting profiles.  So take a look at them too, changing the posting 
server as appropriate.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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