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[Pan-users] Re: Pan fails to deal with non-Latin usernames (Windows)

From: Duncan
Subject: [Pan-users] Re: Pan fails to deal with non-Latin usernames (Windows)
Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2008 12:33:45 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.133 (House of Butterflies)

Rhialto <address@hidden> posted
address@hidden, excerpted below, on  Sun, 14 Sep 2008
13:47:06 +0200:

> On Sun 07 Sep 2008 at 20:05:46 +0400, ????? ???????? wrote:
> This has nothing to do with Pan, but it is a good test for my mail
> client, and it seems to fail miserably :-( Mutt tries to output utf-8 to
> my utf-8 xterm, but something goes wrong somewhere and the result is a
> mess.

Sure it's a good test for pan... just read (and post to) the group (aka 
list) thru's list2news service, using pan to do so, as a number 
of us here do. =:^)

> This character set stuff is more difficult that it seems.

That's for sure! =:^(  At least only dealing with English simplifies it 
for folks like me, tho it's still neat seeing the strange characters when 
it does work right.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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