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Re: [Pan-users] Data type errors when compiling pan-0.133 on OS X

From: walt
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Data type errors when compiling pan-0.133 on OS X
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 17:09:24 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; en-US; rv:2.0b2pre) Gecko/20100707 Shredder/3.2a1pre

On 07/07/2010 12:51 PM, Benjamin Esham wrote:
Hello all,

I am trying to compile pan 0.133 on Mac OS X using libraries installed by
fink. Eventually I get this:

I've never used OS X so I can't answer your question directly, but I'm
wondering where you got your pan source files.  There are multiple sources
available, so it may be relevant, but I'm not sure.

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