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[Pan-users] two small updates

From: K. Haley
Subject: [Pan-users] two small updates
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2010 14:33:56 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100512 Thunderbird/3.0.5

I've added support for using relative paths to the newsrc files.  Now
you can use either the old absolute path or a new path relative to PAN_HOME.

Second, here are the updated tests for converting subject lines to
paths.  Yes you use %s in the path spec.  Also the help button in the
save dialog lists the available replacements.

input: 'prefix - one ...__   - two - three'
output: 'prefix_-_one_-_two'

input: 'prefix File 25 of 1000 one Post 1 _ 25: two file 1_10 end'
output: 'prefix_one_two_end'

input: 'prefix [1 of 10] middle (2 / 20) end'
output: 'prefix_middle_end'

input: 'prefix " file name here" yEnc ending'
output: 'prefix'

input: 'prefix file name here yEnc ending'
output: 'prefix_file_name'

input: 'prefix "stuff "" file name here.sdf" bar ending'
output: 'prefix_stuff_bar_ending'

input: 'prefix 2Kb one 3kB two 10 KB three 100 Bytes four [5 KB] end    '
output: 'prefix_one_two_three_four_end'

input: 'prefix / a \ b < c > d | e * f ? g ' h " end'
output: 'prefix_a_b_c_d_e_f_g_h_end'

input: '[foo]     K's    "kpsh eg02b.jpg" (0/2) 685k bar '
output: '[foo]_K_s_bar'

input: '[ASDF-FDSE]  Name1 & Name2 - Spettertje - 01 title here  (thx
AntA)  Post 6_6 - File 9_9 - aaspettertje01.sfv (1/1)'

input: 'Evil, Wicked Queen-e01.jpg(1/01)'
output: 'Evil,_Wicked_Queen'

input: 'some text here...  and more... 123.jpg'
output: 'some_text_here_and_more_'

input: 'who are you? 123.jpg'
output: 'who_are_you_'

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