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Re: [Pan-users] Unable to upload binaries in Pan

From: Dick Baker
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Unable to upload binaries in Pan
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 20:25:01 -0800


I have good news and bad news to report:

The good news is that your v. 0.140 works like a charm for binaries uploading in Win 7, and I think you're a genius!

The bad news is that I'd now like to pester you and your Pan colleagues with a few more more minor inquiries. You see, I've been using my gray-haired old Xnews newsreader since the Windows 98 (possibly Windows 95) days; it's primitive, but I know it inside-out. Moving to a new newsreader presents new questions.

First, more good news. I expanded your 0.140 version into a folder on my D: drive and it ran like a charm. This tells me that Pan (like Xnews) is self-contained, without spreading .dlls and registry entries all over the C: drive like most Windows programs. I love it! Is there a way to put your profile folder within the Pan run/install directory so that the whole thing is independent of the C: drive and the Windows install system?

One of the first things I noticed in my attempts to post files to Usenet via Pan was the default "Thread attached replies" setting, to which many earlier users objected when posting attachments. It appears that your build has defeated that option entirely -- right? (It's still there, but whether I leave it selected or deselect it doesn't seem to matter.)

Pan's unwillingness to allow the user to reorder subscribed newsgroups is something else I noticed and about which others have complained as well. This seems a like area for further attention. But I've discovered a bizarre glitch in the subscribed group listing that makes me crazy. See the attached snap1.jpg and snap2.jpg. In snap1 you'll see an odd gap between the 1930s and 1950s groups--that gap is actually occupied by the 1940s group, but it's blanked out. If I click on it in Pan, it appears, but now a later group, alt.binaries.test, disappears (shown in snap2). And if I go down and click on the gap where alt.binaries.test should be, the 1940s gap reappears. Utterly bizarre. Have any of the rest of you run into this?

At 08:19 AM 11/10/2014, you wrote:
Hi, are you using the Windows version of Pan 0.139?

If you like I can send you my Windows build of Pan GIT (0.140) that
includes the binary upload fixes I submitted recently.

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Description: Binary data

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Description: Binary data

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