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Re: [Pan-users] Pan rules/filters

From: Dave
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Pan rules/filters
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2017 14:35:00 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.141 (Tarzan's Death; 168b179

On Mon, 23 Jan 2017 13:35:36 +0000, Dave wrote:

> On Mon, 23 Jan 2017 05:32:49 +0000, Duncan wrote:
>> As for step two, getting pan to actually take /action/ based on the
>> scores, that's what pan's preferences dialog, actions tab, is all about.
>> Obviously, you're after the "delete articles scoring at" option on that
>> tab, but unless the score lines you'll be using have been tested for
>> awhile and you are comfortable with the number of false-positives you get,
>> if any, I'd recommend doing a limited run without deleting first, just to
>> be sure the scores are actually working the way you expect them to.
> Gawd, I completelty forgot about that entire section!  Thanks Duncan, that
> has sorted the problem.  I set to delete on -9999 since I can be 100%
> sure that the filter is correct based on long experience with the group in
> question and the subject lines used by the spammer.
> The only thing left is the message count doesn't update until I leave the
> group and re-enter it.  That's likely a bug, or just a feature not yet
> implemented :-)

Ok, just tested it fully by telling Pan to download the last days worth of
headers in the affected group.  The group message count kept going up
thoughout the the header download and the used RAM continued to drop
from over 5GB free ot 0GB free at which point the 4GB swap began to 
drop.  Eventually, even free swap drops precipitously low such that the
kernels pagedeamon which handles memory page allocation goes from 
negligible CPU useage to up to 25% (of one core), the response times
fall off a cliff and eventually Pan crashes.

Technically, this is not a Pan fault since it's the OS memory management
that is failing when it runs out of RAM+Swap to play with.  On the other
hand, if Pan is supposed to be deleting articles with a score of -9999 then
maybe it should be doing it sooner and freeing up the resources sooner.

Depending what Pan does or uses to manage it's databases, it may be
a 3rd party issue.

I'm not sure if there's a way to increase swap on this.  FreeBSD, like
Linux and unlike Windows, uses a swap partition.  4GB was enough when
I layed out the hard disk.  Now it isn't.  I'm not sure if there's a way
around this without a full backup, reforemat, restore.

Climate Change may be raising the sea levels, but the gene pool
seems to be drying up.

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