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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Updated Images of Control Loops

From: gatib
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Updated Images of Control Loops
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 19:31:36 +0100
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.20

Dear Chris,

did you read the following page?:


> All,
> Is there an updated group of images for the control loops being used on
> the
> dev branch? I'm trying to pinpoint which gain(s) affect the distance for
> servo travel from IMU stimulation (read: shaking the aircraft) and from RC
> input in AUTO1 since it is extremely low in both. I get full range in
> MANUAL and the deflection is correct in pitch and roll. I also reset the
> aircraft on my T7CAP just to make sure no mixing was involved. Whether I
> change my AHRS type or control type, this problem still shows up. The PFD
> is showing correct motion when I roll and pitch Lisa/M 1.0 with Aspirin
> v1.0. I've also followed the tuning procedures on the wiki to no avail.
> I'm
> testing with no motor connected to my ESC if that has any bearing (and I
> think it might since I believe throttle is taken into account when
> calculating servo deflection for roll/pitch.) Here are the links to the
> corresponding configurations:
> Also, is there no yaw correction from gyro deflection in the yaw axis in
> AUTO1/2?
> - Chris
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