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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] I2C Sonar Module

From: Felix Ruess
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] I2C Sonar Module
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2015 17:21:31 +0200

Hi Moses,

there is currently no roll/pitch compensation for altitude computed from sonar.
However if you really want/need this strongly depends on the opening angle of your sonar and the max roll/pitch angles you expect while using it.
Most sonars have a rather large opening angle and return the distance to the nearest object, so it is ok up to quite a bit of roll/pitch.
Compare that to e.g. a downwards pointing laser where you really have only one point and definitely want to compensate for roll/pitch.
Depending on your sonar (opening angle), it will actually be worse to compensate for attitude and assume you get only one point at the ground.
So doing it properly needs to take the characteristics of your sonar into account...

Hope that helps,

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 4:18 AM, Moses <address@hidden> wrote:

I am trying to use a I2C sonar(100hz 8m max) in my flyCtrl board, maybe it
can let launch and landing stable.

My question:
There have no sign use pitch&roll in exist Sonar Module when the distance is
gotten from sonar, but it should be because different angel will cause some
err.  Does ppz calculate it in other file or is it no need to use the angel?

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