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[Papo-hackers] noticias

From: John Lenton
Subject: [Papo-hackers] noticias
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 21:08:42 -0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

1) creé la lista address@hidden para quienes quieren seguir
   los logs de cvs; a la vez, hice que ya no los mandara más a

2) debiera haber habdio release (si quieren, está todo ahí en el cvs
   esperando), pero el 'make release' falló y no me pude dar cuenta
   por qué.

John Lenton (address@hidden) -- Random fortune:
There was a young fellow named Bill,
Who took an atomic pill,
        His navel corroded,
        His asshole exploded,
And they found his nuts in Brazil.

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