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Re: [pdf-devel] Patch for FS#115

From: Jose E . Marchesi
Subject: Re: [pdf-devel] Patch for FS#115
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 12:59:55 +0200 (CEST)

    Here is a patch for FS#115 with casting.

If you start working in a task, please set yourself as the asignee of
that task and change its status to STARTED.

    Note that we still need stdbool.h, I guess wa can't get rid of it.

It is not a problem to use stdbool's 'bool' type in pdf-list.h as long
as its usage is internal.


    -typedef bool (*pdf_list_element_equals_fn_t) (const void *elt1, const void 
    +typedef pdf_bool_t (*pdf_list_element_equals_fn_t) (const void *elt1, 
const void *elt2);     

is fine, since we want the client to use pdf_bool_t instead of bool.

But then:

    -      list->gl_list = gl_list_nx_create_empty(GL_ARRAY_LIST, equals_fn, 
    -                                              dispose_fn, 
    +      list->gl_list = gl_list_nx_create_empty(GL_ARRAY_LIST,
    +                                              (bool(*)(const void*,const 
void *))equals_fn,
    +                                              NULL,dispose_fn, 

Instead of making that cast I would create a new inlined static

  bool *pdf_list_element_equals_fn (ELT1, ELT2)

that would call the user-supplied callback, casting the bool to
pdf_bool_t as appropriate.  Such an extra level of callback will allow
to make changes on the callback provided by pdf_list in the future.

Again, please put blank characters before open parenthesis and open

Jose E. Marchesi  <address@hidden>
GNU Project       http://www.gnu.org

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