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[pdf-devel] CCITT Fax Filter Group 3 1D

From: Gustavo Martin Domato
Subject: [pdf-devel] CCITT Fax Filter Group 3 1D
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2011 14:49:49 -0300


this is the patch with Group 3 1D encoding/decoding. Notice that I
touched the pdf-filter.c file in order to test it with the AUTHORS file.
Basically, I hardcoded the arguments. You can do the same testing with:

        ./utils/pdf-filter -i AUTHORS -o AUTHORS.enc --cfaxenc

and then

        ./utils/pdf-filter -i AUTHORS.enc -o AUTHORS.dec --cfaxdec

and last

        diff AUTHORS AUTHORS.dec

Some clear ups:

I didn't want to mess with program arguments, that's why I hardcoded
them. If you want to do other testing, you must either make pdf-filter
parse the arguments or hardcode it and recompile. Sorry in advance for

Since it's a preliminary version, intended to be corrected by those who
read it, I didn't include licensing headers of many comments. Hope
that's not a problem.


Attachment: fax.patch
Description: Text Data

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