#!/bin/bash # # # $Revision: 1.4 $ ###################################################################### # This file is part of WCOMPTA. # WCOMPTA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # WCOMPTA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with WCOMPTA; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #export PATH=/opt/psql732/bin:$PATH #export PGDATA=/opt/database VerifOutil() { RESULT="Verif. $1" A=`type $1 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo $RESULT"...Failed" exit else echo "$RESULT...Success" fi } #Verification des outil echo "Verification des outil" echo "----------------------" VerifOutil "psql" VerifOutil "createdb" # Base de données DB=`psql -l` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "problem avec Postgres" exit fi # Repository exist ? REPO=`echo $DB|grep account_repository|wc -l` if [ $REPO -eq 0 ]; then OWNER=webcompta echo "Creation de la base de donnee" createuser -A -d $OWNER createdb -E latin1 -O $OWNER account_repository PSQL="psql -U $OWNER account_repository" # $PSQL < sql/create_repository.sql # $PSQL < sql/ac_pcmn.sql $PSQL < sql/ac_users.sql $PSQL < sql/ac_dossier.sql $PSQL < sql/jnt_use_dos.sql $PSQL < sql/version.sql $PSQL < sql/priv_user.sql $PSQL < sql/theme.sql createdb -E latin1 -O $OWNER templ_account PSQL="psql -U $OWNER templ_account " $PSQL < sql/tmp_pcmn.sql $PSQL < sql/insert_pcmn.sql $PSQL < sql/version.sql $PSQL < sql/dos_pref.sql $PSQL < sql/journal.sql $PSQL < sql/user_pref.sql $PSQL < sql/form.sql $PSQL < sql/fiche.sql $PSQL < sql/centralized.sql $PSQL < sql/user_sec.sql # if [ -w $PG_DATA/pg_hba.conf ]; then # echo "host account_repository all password" >> $PG_DATA/pg_hba.conf # else # echo "Error PG_DATA is not correct" # exit 2 # fi fi # Installation des sources #export COMPTA_HOME=/home/httpd/compta export COMPTA_HOME=/etc/apache/compta [ ! -d $COMPTA_HOME ] && mkdir $COMPTA_HOME [ ! -d $COMPTA_HOME/html ] && mkdir $COMPTA_HOME/html [ ! -d $COMPTA_HOME/html/image ] && mkdir $COMPTA_HOME/html/image [ ! -d $COMPTA_HOME/include ] && mkdir $COMPTA_HOME/include echo "Installing source" cp -fr include/*.php $COMPTA_HOME/include cp -fr html/*.html $COMPTA_HOME/html for i in include/*.php ;do A=`basename $i` sed "s/echo_debug\S*(\"/echo_debug(\"include\/$A:\".__LINE__.'--'.\"/g" $i > $COMPTA_HOME/include/`basename $i` done for i in html/*.php ;do A=`basename $i` sed "s/echo_debug.*(\"/echo_debug(\"html\/$A:\".__LINE__.'--'.\"/g" $i > $COMPTA_HOME/html/`basename $i` done cp -f style*.css $COMPTA_HOME/html cp -f html/*.js $COMPTA_HOME/html cp -fR addon $COMPTA_HOME/html cp -fR html/image/* $COMPTA_HOME/html/image