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[Phpgroupware-cvs] old/anthill/backend/language/es/LC_MESSAGES Anthill.m

From: skwashd
Subject: [Phpgroupware-cvs] old/anthill/backend/language/es/LC_MESSAGES, 1.1 Anthill.po, 1.1
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 02:34:00 +0200

Update of old/anthill/backend/language/es/LC_MESSAGES

Added Files:
     Branch: MAIN

Log Message:
retiring app

Þ•`es~you don't have a password, or have forgotten it, then please fill out 
the <a href="newuser.php">registration</a> for al bugs containing 
search phrase "<b>%s</b>"someone else by going to %s

have open bugs in the bug system.


POT-Creation-Date: 2002-12-24 15:47-0700
PO-Revision-Date: 2002-10-22 13:16-0300
Last-Translator: Fabian Mandelbaum <address@hidden>
Language-Team: spanish <address@hidden>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.5

acute;n y agregar usuarios nuevos.hay cambio a la contrase&ntilde;a del 

bugs abiertos en el sistema de bugs.


Index: Anthill.po
# Spanish language file for Anthill
# $Id: Anthill.po,v 1.1 2005/05/05 00:34:03 skwashd Exp $
# Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2001 Danen Consulting Services
# Vincent Danen <address@hidden>, 2001
# Copyright (C) 2001 Sergio Korlowsky <address@hidden>
# Copyright (C) 2002 Fabian Mandelbaum <address@hidden>
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Anthill 0.2.0\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2002-12-24 15:47-0700\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-10-22 13:16-0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Fabian Mandelbaum <address@hidden>\n"
"Language-Team: spanish <address@hidden>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 0.9.5\n"

#: activity.php:10 activity.php:14
msgid "Activity Log"
msgstr "Registro de actividad"

#. empty bug; non-existant
#: activity.php:24 activity.php:31 query.php:526
msgid "The bug you selected does not exist or is invalid."
msgstr "El bug que seleccion&oacute; no existe o no es v&aacute;lido."

#: activity.php:36 createattachment.php:28 query.php:532 showattachment.php:36
msgid ""
"The bug you selected is marked private and is not available to unregistered "
msgstr ""
"El bug que seleccion&oacute; est&aacute; marcado como privado y no "
"est&aacute; disponible para usuarios no registrados."

#: activity.php:47
msgid "Activity by"
msgstr "Actividad por"

#: activity.php:50
msgid "Activity"
msgstr "Actividad"

#: activity.php:53
msgid "Old value"
msgstr "Valor anterior"

#: activity.php:56
msgid "New value"
msgstr "Valor nuevo"

#: activity.php:59
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"

#: activity.php:76
msgid "Status Change"
msgstr "Cambiar estado"

#: activity.php:78
msgid "Reassigned"
msgstr "Reasignado A"

#: activity.php:80
msgid "State Change"
msgstr "Cambio de estado"

#: activity.php:82
msgid "Added to CC"
msgstr "Agregado a CC"

#: activity.php:84
msgid "Removed from CC"
msgstr "Quitado de CC"

#: activity.php:86
msgid "Created Attachment"
msgstr "Adjunto creado"

#: activity.php:88
msgid "Resolution Priority Change"
msgstr "Cambio de Prioridad de Resoluci&oacute;n"

#: activity.php:90
msgid "Severity Change"
msgstr "Cambio de Severidad"

#: activity.php:92
#, fuzzy
msgid "Description Change"
msgstr "Descripci&oacute;n"

#: activity.php:110 createattachment.php:165
#, c-format
msgid "Return to bug #%s"
msgstr "Volver al Bug #%s"

#: admin.php:10 admin.php:44
msgid "Edit Anthill Preferences"
msgstr "Editar Preferencias de Anthill"

#: admin.php:31 pref.php:53 pref.php:68
msgid "Your changes have been saved."
msgstr "Sus cambios han sido guardados."

#: admin.php:50
msgid "Here you are able to configure some operating parameters for Anthill."
msgstr ""
"Aqu&iacute; puede configurar algunos par&aacute;metros de operaci&oacute;n "
"para Anthill"

#: admin.php:62
msgid "Site Name"
msgstr "Nombre del Sitio"

#: admin.php:70
msgid "Administrator Email"
msgstr "Correo Electr&oacute;nico del Administrador"

#: admin.php:78
msgid "Default CC"
msgstr "CC Predeterminado"

#: admin.php:86
msgid "Text Color"
msgstr "Color de Texto"

#: admin.php:94
msgid "Link Color"
msgstr "Color de V&iacute;nculo"

#: admin.php:102
msgid "Background Color"
msgstr "Color del Fondo"

#: admin.php:110
msgid "First Bar Color"
msgstr "Color de la Primera Barra"

#: admin.php:118
msgid "Second Bar Color"
msgstr "Color de la Segunda Barra"

#: admin.php:126
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Tema"

#: admin.php:151
msgid "Allow New Users"
msgstr "Permitir nuevos Usuarios"

#: admin.php:155
msgid "New Users Can Register"
msgstr "Usuarios Nuevos Pueden Registrarse"

#: admin.php:156
msgid "Closed Site (No New Users)"
msgstr "Sitio Cerrado (No se Admiten Usuarios Nuevos)"

#: admin.php:162
msgid "Default Bug State"
msgstr "Estado Predeterminado del Bug"

#: admin.php:173
msgid "Administrator Access Level"
msgstr "Nivel de Acceso Administrador"

#: admin.php:181
msgid "Developer Access Level"
msgstr "Nivel de Acceso Desarrollador"

#: admin.php:189
msgid "Basic User Access Level"
msgstr "Nivel de Acceso Usuario B&aacute;sico"

#: admin.php:197
msgid "Maximum Attachment File Size"
msgstr "Tama&ntilde;o b&aacute;sico de archivo adjunto"

#: admin.php:200
msgid "bytes"
msgstr "bytes"

#: admin.php:205
msgid "Mailer Daemon's Name"
msgstr "Nombre del Demonio de Correo"

#: admin.php:213
msgid "Mailer Daemon Email"
msgstr "Correo Electr&oacute;nico del Demonio de Correo"

#: admin.php:221
msgid "Mailer Daemon Reply-To"
msgstr "Responder-A en el Demonio de Correo"

#: admin.php:225
msgid ""
"(This is useful if you want replies to Anthill diff messages to go to a real "
"email address or mailing list instead of to the daemon's email address.  "
"This is <b>only</b> used with diff messages.)"
msgstr ""
"(Esto es &uacute;til si desea que las respuestas a los mensajes diff de "
"Anthill vayan a una direcci&oacute;n de correo-e real o a una lista de "
"distribuci&oacute;n de correos en vez de a la direcci&oacute;n de correo-e "
"del demonio de correo.  <b>S&oacute;lo</b> se utiliza esto para los mensajes "

#: admin.php:230
msgid "Site Text (used in index)"
msgstr "Texto del Sitio (usado en el &iacute;ndice)"

#: admin.php:238
msgid "New User Text (used in registration)"
msgstr "Texto de Usuario Nuevo (usado en el registro)"

#: admin.php:246
msgid "Preferences Text (used in preferences)"
msgstr "Texto de Preferencias (usado en preferencias)"

#: admin.php:270 pref.php:82
msgid ""
"Change <a href=\"editproducts.php\">products and components</a> information."
msgstr ""
"Cambiar la informaci&oacute;n de <a href=\"editproducts.php\">productos y "

#: admin.php:271 pref.php:83
msgid "Edit <a href=\"editusers.php\">user</a> information and add new users."
msgstr ""
"Editar <a href=\"editusers.php\">user</a> la informaci&oacute;n y agregar "
"usuarios nuevos."

#: buglist.php:21 buglist.php:25 buglist.php:167 buglist.php:171
msgid "Bug List"
msgstr "Lista de Bugs"

#: buglist.php:31
#, c-format
msgid "Searching for al bugs containing search phrase \"<b>%s</b>\""
msgstr "Buscando todos los bugs que contienen la frase \"<b>%s</b>\""

#: buglist.php:34
msgid "Searching for all bugs..."
msgstr "Buscando todos los bugs..."

#: buglist.php:40
#, c-format
msgid "Searching for all bugs of status %s..."
msgstr "Buscando todos los bugs en estado %s..."

#: buglist.php:46
msgid "Searching for all unresolved bugs..."
msgstr "Buscando todos los bugs no resueltos..."

#: buglist.php:51
msgid "Searching for all of your bugs..."
msgstr "Buscando todos sus bugs..."

#: buglist.php:54
msgid "Searching for all of your unresolved bugs..."
msgstr "Buscando todos sus bugs no resueltos..."

#: buglist.php:59
#, c-format
msgid "Searching for all of your bugs of status %s..."
msgstr "Buscando todos sus bugs en estado %s..."

#: buglist.php:67
#, c-format
msgid "Searching for all bugs belonging to %s..."
msgstr "Buscando todos los bugs que pertenecen a %s..."

#: buglist.php:74 buglist.php:88
#, c-format
msgid "Searching for all bugs reported by %s..."
msgstr "Buscando todos los bugs reportados por %s..."

#: buglist.php:81
#, c-format
msgid "Searching for all new bugs reported by %s..."
msgstr "Buscando todos los bugs nuevos reportados por %s..."

#: buglist.php:96
#, c-format
msgid "Searching for all bugs of product %s..."
msgstr "Buscando todos los bugs del producto %s..."

#: buglist.php:100
msgid "Searching for all bugs of all products..."
msgstr "Buscando todos los bugs de todos los productos..."

#: buglist.php:108
msgid "No action specified."
msgstr "No se especific&oacute;n acci&oacute;n alguna."

#: buglist.php:119 query.php:695
msgid "Bug"
msgstr "Bug"

#: buglist.php:122 buglist.php:180 editproducts.php:157 enterbug.php:78
#: query.php:608 query.php:701 include/
msgid "Product"
msgstr "Producto"

#: buglist.php:125 editcomponents.php:159 enterbug.php:103 query.php:611
#: query.php:715 include/
msgid "Component"
msgstr "Componente"

#: buglist.php:128 query.php:733
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Prioridad"

#: buglist.php:131 reports.php:179 reports.php:304
msgid "Owner"
msgstr "Due&ntilde;o"

#: buglist.php:134 query.php:614 query.php:709
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Estado"

# FABITOREM: Check this one in context
#: buglist.php:137 query.php:723
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Resoluci&oacute;n"

#: buglist.php:140 buglist.php:182 enterbug.php:172 reports.php:81
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Resumen"

#: buglist.php:156
#, c-format
msgid "%s bugs found"
msgstr "%s bugs encontrados"

#: buglist.php:158
msgid "Return to <a href=\"query.php\">Bug list</a>."
msgstr "Regresar a la <a href=\"query.php\">Lista de Bugs</a>."

#: buglist.php:176
#, c-format
msgid "Listing FIXED bugs for product \"%s\" between versions %s and %s"
msgstr ""
"Listando bugs CORREGIDOS para el producto \"%s\" entre las versiones %s y %s"

#: buglist.php:179
msgid "Bug #"
msgstr "Bug #"

#: buglist.php:181
msgid "Fixed Version"
msgstr "Versi&oacute;n corregida"

#: createattachment.php:18 createattachment.php:20
msgid "Upload Attachment"
msgstr "Transferir adjunto"

#: createattachment.php:35
msgid "You need to enter a description of the attachment."
msgstr "Necesita ingresar la descripci&oacute;n del adjunto."

#: createattachment.php:40
msgid "You need to enter a MIME type."
msgstr "Necesita ingresar un tipo MIME."

#: createattachment.php:45
msgid "No attachment uploaded."
msgstr "No se transfiri&oacute; adjunto alguno."

#: createattachment.php:50
msgid "The attachment uploaded is zero bytes."
msgstr "El archivo adjunto transferido mide cero bytes"

#: createattachment.php:55
msgid "The attachment uploaded is too large."
msgstr "El archivo adjunto transferido es muy grande."

#: createattachment.php:60
msgid "The attachment is larger than the system-wide maximum upload file size."
msgstr ""
"El adjunto es m&aacute;s grande que el tama&ntilde;o m&aacute;ximo de "
"archivo permitido por todo el sistema."

#: createattachment.php:65
msgid "The attachment was not completely uploaded."
msgstr "El adjunto no se transfiri&oacute; por completo."

#: createattachment.php:70
msgid "The attachment was not uploaded... possible file upload attack?"
msgstr ""
"El adjunto no se transfiri&oacute;... ¿posible ataque de transferencia de "

#: createattachment.php:76
msgid "There was an unknown error with your attachment upload."
msgstr "Hubo un error desconocido en la transferencia de su adjunto."

#: createattachment.php:102
msgid "ERROR: Attachment filename already exists.  Upload aborted."
msgstr ""
"ERROR: Ya existe el nombre del archivo adjunto. Transferencia cancelada."

#: createattachment.php:103
msgid "Please notify the administrator of this site of this error."
msgstr "Por favor, notifique el error al administrador de este sitio."

#: createattachment.php:111
msgid "Problem copying attachment.  Aborting."
msgstr "Problema copiando adjunto. Cancelando."

#: createattachment.php:125
#, c-format
msgid "You must select a legal mime type.  '<i>%s</i>' is not acceptable."
msgstr "Debe seleccionar un tipo MIME legal.  '<i>%s</i>' no es aceptable."

#: createattachment.php:134
msgid "Attachment uploaded successfully!"
msgstr "¡Transferencia satisfactoria del adjunto!"

#: createattachment.php:137
#, c-format
msgid "<a href=\"%s\">Created an attachment (id=%s)</a>\n"
msgstr "<a href=\"%s\">Se cre&oacute; un adjunto (id=%s)</a>\n"

#: createattachment.php:138
msgid "Description of attachment"
msgstr "Descripci&oacute;n del adjunto"

#: createattachment.php:171
msgid "Error: you must select a bug to associate attachment with!"
msgstr "Error: ¡debe seleccionar un bug para asociarle un adjunto!"

#: createattachment.php:183
msgid "This bug is CLOSED or RESOLVED and you may not create an attachment."
msgstr ""
"Este bug est&aacute; CERRADO o RESUELTO por lo que no puede crearle adjuntos."

#. not logged in
#: createattachment.php:190
msgid "You must be logged in first."
msgstr "Primero se debe conectar."

#. default action
#: editcomponents.php:15 editcomponents.php:144
msgid "Select Component"
msgstr "Seleccionar Componente"

#: editcomponents.php:23 editcomponents.php:32
msgid "Add Component"
msgstr "Agregar Componente"

#: editcomponents.php:25 editcomponents.php:62 editcomponents.php:95
#: editcomponents.php:104 editcomponents.php:138 editcomponents.php:207
#: editproducts.php:23 editproducts.php:48 editproducts.php:79
#: editproducts.php:118 editproducts.php:136 editproducts.php:204
#: editusers.php:109 editusers.php:118 editusers.php:155 editusers.php:229
#: editversions.php:23 editversions.php:49 editversions.php:82
#: editversions.php:105 editversions.php:151
msgid "Return to <a href=\"admin.php\">Anthill Preferences</a>."
msgstr "Regresar a las <a href=\"admin.php\">Preferencias de Anthill</a>."

#: editcomponents.php:36
msgid "A component by this name already exists."
msgstr "Ya existe un componente con este nombre."

#: editcomponents.php:39 editproducts.php:37 editversions.php:37
msgid "ERROR: You submitted an empty field."
msgstr "ERROR: Envi&oacute; un campo vac&iacute;o."

#: editcomponents.php:57
msgid "Component added successfully."
msgstr "Componente agregado satisfactoriamente."

#: editcomponents.php:60 editcomponents.php:93 editcomponents.php:136
#, c-format
msgid "Return to <a href=\"editcomponents.php?pid=%s\">components</a>."
msgstr "Regresar a <a href=\"editcomponents.php?pid=%s\">componentes/a>."

#: editcomponents.php:61 editcomponents.php:94 editcomponents.php:137
#: editproducts.php:47 editproducts.php:78 editproducts.php:135
#: editversions.php:48 editversions.php:81 editversions.php:104
msgid "Return to <a href=\"editproducts.php\">products and components</a>."
msgstr "Regresar a <a href=\"editproducts.php\">productos y componentes</a>."

#: editcomponents.php:69 editcomponents.php:89
msgid "Delete Component"
msgstr "Eliminar Componente"

#: editcomponents.php:75
#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the component <b>%s</b>?"
msgstr "Est&aacute; seguro que desea borrar el componente <b>%s</b>?"

#: editcomponents.php:92
msgid "Component removed."
msgstr "Componente removido."

#: editcomponents.php:102 editcomponents.php:111
msgid "Change Component"
msgstr "Cambiar Componente"

#: editcomponents.php:135
msgid "Component changed."
msgstr "Componente cambiado."

#: editcomponents.php:162 editproducts.php:160 enterbug.php:188
#: include/ include/
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripci&oacute;n"

#: editcomponents.php:165 include/
msgid "Initial Owner"
msgstr "Due&ntilde; Inicial"

#: editcomponents.php:168 editproducts.php:166 editusers.php:186
#: editversions.php:121
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Acci&oacute;n"

#: editcomponents.php:190 editproducts.php:187 editusers.php:212
#: editversions.php:133
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Eliminar"

#: editcomponents.php:198
msgid "Add a new component"
msgstr "Agregar un nuevo componente"

#: editcomponents.php:201 editproducts.php:199 editusers.php:223
#: editversions.php:145 include/
#: include/ include/
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Agregar"

#. default action
#: editproducts.php:13 editproducts.php:142 reports.php:35
msgid "Select Product"
msgstr "Seleccionar Producto"

#: editproducts.php:21 editproducts.php:30
msgid "Add Product"
msgstr "Agregar Producto"

#: editproducts.php:34
msgid "A product by this name already exists."
msgstr "Ya existe un producto con este nombre."

#: editproducts.php:44
msgid "Product added successfully"
msgstr "Producto agregado satisfactoriamente"

#: editproducts.php:55 editproducts.php:74
msgid "Delete Product"
msgstr "Eliminar Producto"

#: editproducts.php:61
#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the product <b>%s</b>?"
msgstr "Est&aacute; seguro que desea borrar el producto <b>%s</b>?"

#: editproducts.php:77
msgid "Product removed."
msgstr "Producto removido."

#: editproducts.php:86 editproducts.php:125
msgid "Change Product"
msgstr "Cambiar Producto"

#: editproducts.php:92
msgid "Edit components"
msgstr "Editar componentes"

#: editproducts.php:105
msgid "Edit versions"
msgstr "Editar versiones"

#: editproducts.php:134
msgid "Product changed."
msgstr "Producto cambiado."

#: editproducts.php:163
msgid "Bugs"
msgstr "Bugs"

#: editproducts.php:196
msgid "Add a new product"
msgstr "Agregar un nuevo producto"

#. default action
#: editusers.php:19 editusers.php:161
msgid "Select User"
msgstr "Seleccionar Ususario"

#: editusers.php:27 editusers.php:84 editusers.php:94
msgid "Delete User"
msgstr "Quitar Usuario"

#: editusers.php:32
msgid "You cannot delete the administrator account."
msgstr "No puede quitar la cuenta del administrador."

#: editusers.php:37
#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the user <b>%s</b>?"
msgstr "Est&aacute; seguro que desea borrar al usuario <b>%s</b>?"

#: editusers.php:41
msgid "This user owns the following components:"
msgstr "Este usuario es due&ntilde;o de los componentes siguientes:"

#: editusers.php:46
msgid ""
"If you want to delete this user, you should reassign their components to "
"someone else."
msgstr ""
"Si desea quitar este usuario, deber&iacute;a reasignar sus componentes a "
"otra persona."

#: editusers.php:47 editusers.php:75
msgid "Select a new component owner:"
msgstr "Seleccionar un nuevo due&ntilde;o para el componente:"

#: editusers.php:65
msgid "This user owns the following bugs:"
msgstr "Este usuario es due&ntilde;o de los bugs siguientes:"

#: editusers.php:74
msgid ""
"If you want to delete this user, you should reassign their bugs to someone "
msgstr ""
"Si desea quitar este usuario, deber&iacute;a reasignar sus bugs a otra "

#: editusers.php:97
msgid "User removed."
msgstr "Usuario quitado."

#: editusers.php:101
msgid "Components re-assigned."
msgstr "Componentes reasignados."

#: editusers.php:106
msgid "Bugs re-assigned."
msgstr "Bugs reasignados."

#: editusers.php:108 editusers.php:154
msgid "Return to <a href=\"editusers.php\">user list</a>."
msgstr "Regrese a <a href=\"editusers.php\">lista de usuario</a>."

#: editusers.php:116 editusers.php:125
msgid "Edit User"
msgstr "Editar Usuario"

#: editusers.php:149
msgid "Passwords do not match; no change to user's password."
msgstr ""
"Las contrase&ntilde;as no coinciden; no hay cambio a la contrase&ntilde;a "
"del usuario."

#: editusers.php:153
msgid "User information changed."
msgstr "Informaci&oacute;n del usuario cambiada."

#: editusers.php:168
msgid "User ID"
msgstr "ID de Usuario"

#: editusers.php:171 include/
#: backend/template/default/theme.php:138
#: backend/template/default/theme.php:251
msgid "Real Name"
msgstr "Nombre Real"

#: editusers.php:174 include/
#: backend/template/default/theme.php:605
msgid "User Name"
msgstr "Nombre de Usuario"

#: editusers.php:177 include/
msgid "Email Address"
msgstr "Direcci&oacute;n Electr&oacute;nica"

#: editusers.php:180
msgid "Last Login"
msgstr "&Uacute;ltima Conexi&oacute;n"

#: editusers.php:183 include/
msgid "Access Level"
msgstr "Nivel de Acceso"

#: editusers.php:220
msgid "Add a new user"
msgstr "Agregar usuario nuevo"

#. default action
#: editversions.php:13 editversions.php:111
msgid "Select Version"
msgstr "Seleccionar Versi&oacute;n"

#: editversions.php:21 editversions.php:30
msgid "Add Version"
msgstr "Agregar Versi&oacute;n"

#: editversions.php:34
msgid "A version by this name already exists."
msgstr "Ya existe una versi&oacute;n con este nombre."

#: editversions.php:44
msgid "Version added successfully."
msgstr "Versi&oacute;n agregada satisfactoriamente."

#: editversions.php:47 editversions.php:80 editversions.php:103
#, c-format
msgid "Return to <a href=\"editversions.php?pid=%s\">versions</a>."
msgstr "Regresar a <a href=\"editversions.php?pid=%s\">versiones</a>."

#: editversions.php:56 editversions.php:76
msgid "Delete Version"
msgstr "Eliminar Versi&oacute;n"

#: editversions.php:62
#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the version <b>%s</b>?"
msgstr "Est&aacute; seguro que desea quitar la veris&oacute;n <b>%s</b>?"

#: editversions.php:79
msgid "Version removed."
msgstr "Versi&oacute;n removida."

#: editversions.php:89 editversions.php:97
msgid "Change Version"
msgstr "Cambiar Versi&oacute;n"

#: editversions.php:102
msgid "Version changed."
msgstr "Versi&oacute;n cambiada."

#: editversions.php:118 enterbug.php:90 query.php:608
#: include/
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versi&oacute;n"

#: editversions.php:142
msgid "Add a new version"
msgstr "Agregar una nueva versi&oacute;n"

#: enterbug.php:20 enterbug.php:22
msgid "Submit a Bug"
msgstr "Enviar un Bug"

#: enterbug.php:34
msgid "You must first select a product in which to enter your new bug"
msgstr "Primero debe seleccionar un producto en el cual ingresar su nuevo bug"

#. this is anonymous user; no posting permitted
#: enterbug.php:59
msgid "You must login first if you wish to submit a bug."
msgstr "Primero debe conectarse si desea enviar un bug."

#: enterbug.php:65
msgid "This page lets you enter a new bug into Anthill."
msgstr "Esta p&aacute;gina le permite ingresar un nuevo bug en Anthill"

#: enterbug.php:71 query.php:770
msgid "Reporter"
msgstr "Informante"

#: enterbug.php:118
msgid "Resolution Priority"
msgstr "Prioridad de Resoluci&oacute;n"

#: enterbug.php:136 query.php:756
msgid "Severity"
msgstr "Severidad"

#: enterbug.php:156 query.php:741
msgid "Assigned To"
msgstr "Asignado A"

#: enterbug.php:161
msgid "Owner of Component"
msgstr "Due&ntilde;o del Componente"

#: enterbug.php:167
msgid "Leave at default to assign to component owner"
msgstr "Dejar como predeterminado para asignar al due&ntilde;o del componente"

#: enterbug.php:180
msgid "include prefix"
msgstr "incluya prefijo"

#: faq.php:7 faq.php:9
msgid "Anthill FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ de Anthill"

#: gpgupload.php:14 gpgupload.php:16
msgid "Upload GPG/PGP Keyfile"
msgstr "Cargar archivo GPG/PGP"

#: gpgupload.php:19
msgid "No keyfile uploaded."
msgstr "archivo GPG/PGP no ha sido cargado"

#: gpgupload.php:24
msgid "The keyfile uploaded is zero bytes."
msgstr "El archivo GPG/PGP es cero bytes"

#: gpgupload.php:35
msgid "The keyfile was not uploaded... possible file upload attack?"
msgstr ""
"El archivo no ha sido transferido... ¿posible ataque de transferencia de "

#: gpgupload.php:42
msgid "Keyfile uploaded successfully!"
msgstr "¡Archivo GPG/PGP transferido satisfactoriamente!"

#: gpgupload.php:61
msgid "The file you uploaded is not a valid PGP/GPG key file."
msgstr "El archivo transferido, no es un archivo GPG/PGP v&aacute;lido."

#: gpgupload.php:64
msgid "The keyfile uploaded contains"
msgstr "El archivo GPG/PGP transferido contiene"

#: gpgupload.php:76 pref.php:77
msgid "Return to Preferences"
msgstr "Retornar a las Preferencias"

#: index.php:7
msgid "Welcome to Anthill"
msgstr "Bienvenido a Anthill"

#: index.php:16
msgid "Accounting"
msgstr "Contabilidad"

#: index.php:18
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Desconectar"

#: index.php:19
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Preferencias"

#: index.php:21 login.php:23 login.php:25
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Conectar"

#: index.php:23
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Crear cuenta nueva"

#: index.php:26
msgid "Problem tracking help"
msgstr "Ayuda sobre seguimiento de problemas"

#: index.php:31
msgid "Problem Tracking"
msgstr "Seguimiento de problemas"

#: index.php:33
msgid "Submit a bug"
msgstr "Enviar un bug"

#: index.php:34
msgid "New bugs you reported"
msgstr "Bugs nuevos que Usted report&oacute;"

#: index.php:35
msgid "Your open bugs"
msgstr "Sus bugs abiertos"

#: index.php:37
msgid "Unresolved bugs"
msgstr "Bugs no resueltos"

#: index.php:38
msgid "Summary reports"
msgstr "Reportes resumidos"

#: index.php:39
msgid "Downloadable text reports"
msgstr "Reportes de texto para descargar"

#: login.php:18
msgid "Login failed.  You entered an invalid username or incorrect password"
msgstr ""
"Fall&oacute; la conexi&oacute;n. Ingres&oacute; un nombre de usuario o "
"contrase&ntilde; incorrectos"

#: login.php:33
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You are already logged in as %s.  If you wish to log in as someone else, you "
"must <a href=\"logout.php\">logout</a> first."
msgstr ""
"Ya esta conectado como %s.  Si desea conectar como alguien mas, usted debe "
"<a href=\"logout.php\">desconectar</a> Primero"

#: newuser.php:13 newuser.php:19 newuser.php:122 newuser.php:131
msgid "New User Registration"
msgstr "Registro de Nuevo Usuario"

#: newuser.php:27
msgid "The username supplied does not exist on this system."
msgstr "El nombre de usuario provisto no existe en este sistema."

#. get the maximum string length to format the email nicely
#: newuser.php:39 newuser.php:96
msgid "Login name"
msgstr "Nombre de conexi&oacute;n"

#: newuser.php:40 newuser.php:97 backend/template/default/theme.php:278
#: backend/template/default/theme.php:613
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contrase&ntilde;a"

#: newuser.php:55 newuser.php:112
msgid "In order to use Anthill, you must use the following to log in"
msgstr "Para poder usar Anthill, debe usar lo siguiente para conectarse"

#: newuser.php:58 newuser.php:115
msgid "To change your password, log in and go to \"Preferences\"."
msgstr ""
"Para cambiar su contrase&ntilde;a, con&eacute;ctese y vaya a \"Preferencias"

#: newuser.php:61 newuser.php:118
msgid "Your Anthill password"
msgstr "Su contrase&ntilde;a de Anthill"

#: newuser.php:63
#, c-format
msgid "A new password has been emailed to %s."
msgstr "Se ha enviado por correo-e una contrase&ntilde;a nueva a %s."

#: newuser.php:65
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The username you entered: <b>%s</b> does not match the supplied email "
"address: <b>%s</b>."
msgstr "El nombre de usuario que usa, no coincide con el enviado por correo"

#: newuser.php:66
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please go back and enter your proper email address and user name.  If you "
"have forgotten your username, please email the <a href=\"mailto:%s";
msgstr ""
"Por favor regrese y use su nombre de usuario y correo correctos.  Si ha "
"olvidado su nombre de usuario, por favor envie correo al<a href=\"mailto:%s";

#: newuser.php:77
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Password has been emailed to %s.  You can return to <a href=\"editusers.php"
"\">Edit User Preferences</a>."
msgstr ""
"Su contrase&ntilde;a ha sido enviada a %s.  Puede regresar a <a href="
"\"editusers.php\">Editar Preferencias de usuario</a>."

#: newuser.php:79
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Thank you for registering.  A password has been emailed to %s.  Use this "
"password to log into %s."
msgstr ""
"Gracias por registrarse. Se ha enviado por correo-e una contrase&ntilde;a a %"
"s.  Use esta contrase&ntilde;a para conectarse en %s."

#: newuser.php:137
#, c-format
msgid ""
"We're sorry... this is a private site and new users must be added by the "
"administrator.  Try sending an email to request access to <a href=\"mailto:%s";
msgstr ""
"Lo sentimos... este es un sitio privado y el administrador debe agregar los "
"usuarios nuevos. Intente enviar un correo-e para pedir acceso a <a href="

#: postbug.php:20 postbug.php:22
msgid "Posting Bug"
msgstr "Enviando un Bug"

#: postbug.php:25 pref.php:24
msgid "You must login to access this page."
msgstr "Debe conectarse para acceder a esta p&aacute;gina."

#. assigned user's access is lower than developer access
#: postbug.php:49
msgid "ERROR: You have assigned the bug to someone unauthorized to own bugs."
msgstr ""
"ERROR: Tiene asignado el bug a alguien no autorizado a ser poseer bugs."

#. no short description entered
#: postbug.php:55
msgid "ERROR: You need to include a summary of the bug."
msgstr "ERROR: Necesita incluir los detalles del bug"

#. no long description entered
#: postbug.php:61
msgid "ERROR: You need to include a description of the bug."
msgstr "ERROR: Necesita incluir la Descripci&oacute;n del bug"

#. no version chosen
#: postbug.php:67
msgid "ERROR: You need to select a version for this bug."
msgstr "ERROR: Nrcesita selecionar una version para este bug."

#. no component chosen
#: postbug.php:73
msgid "ERROR: You need to select a component for this bug."
msgstr "ERROR: Necesita selecionar un componente para este bug."

#: postbug.php:114
#, c-format
msgid "Bug #%s posted"
msgstr "Bug #%s enviado"

#: postbug.php:115
#, c-format
msgid "Back to Bug #%s"
msgstr "Volver al Bug #%s"

#: postbug.php:116
msgid "Enter another bug"
msgstr "Ingresar otro bug"

#: pref.php:19 pref.php:23 pref.php:73
msgid "Edit User Preferences"
msgstr "Editar Preferencias del Usuario"

#: pref.php:55
msgid "Your passwords do not match.  Go back and try again."
msgstr ""
"Sus contrase&ntilde;as no coinciden. Vuelva atr&aacute;s e intente "

#: pref.php:63
msgid "Problem deleting keyfile.  Aborting."
msgstr "Problema elminando archivo GPG/PGP.  Cancelando."

#: pref.php:81
msgid "Change Anthill operating parameters."
msgstr "Cambiar los par&aacute;metros de operaci&oacute;n de Anthill"

#: query.php:27 query.php:31
msgid "Query Bug"
msgstr "Consultar un Bug"

#: query.php:44
msgid "You must be logged in to make changes to a bug."
msgstr "Debe estar conectado para realizar cambios en un bug."

#: query.php:236 query.php:269
#, c-format
msgid "This bug has been reassigned to %s."
msgstr "Este bug ha sido re-asignado a %s."

#: query.php:284 query.php:289 query.php:788 include/
msgid "PUBLIC"
msgstr "P&Uacute;BLICO"

#: query.php:286 query.php:291 query.php:790 include/
msgid "PRIVATE"
msgstr "PRIVADO"

#: query.php:617
msgid "Short Summary"
msgstr "Resumen Corto"

#: query.php:643
#, c-format
msgid "Opened by <a href=\"mailto:%s\";>%s</a> %s on %s"
msgstr "Abierto por <a href=\"mailto:%s\";>%s</a> el %s"

#: query.php:645
msgid "Long Description"
msgstr "Descripci&oacute;n Larga"

#: query.php:665
#, c-format
msgid "Additional comments from <a href=\"mailto:%s\";>%s</a> %s on %s"
msgstr "Comentarios adicionales de <a href=\"mailto:%s\";>%s</a> el %s"

#: query.php:690
msgid "Additional Information"
msgstr "Informaci&oacute;n adicional"

#: query.php:728
#, c-format
msgid "(in version %s)"
msgstr "(en versión %s)"

#: query.php:764
msgid "Email CC"
msgstr "Direci&oacute;n Electr&oacute;nica CC"

#: query.php:784
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"

#: query.php:813
msgid "View Activity Log"
msgstr "Ver registro de actividad"

#: query.php:846
msgid "Additional comments from"
msgstr "Comentarios adicionales de"

#: query.php:853
msgid "NOTE: Please use plaintext only; HTML will not be parsed."
msgstr ""
"NOTA: Por favor, utilice s&oacute;lo texto plano; no se analizar&aacute; "

#: query.php:863
msgid "Change URL: (include prefix)"
msgstr "Cambiar URL: (incluya prefijo)"

#: query.php:869
#, fuzzy
msgid "Change description:"
msgstr "Descripci&oacute;n Larga:"

#: query.php:879
msgid "Change State or Resolution"
msgstr "Cambiar el Estado o Resoluci&oacute;n"

#: query.php:879
msgid "only by owner or privileged member"
msgstr "s&oacute;lo por el due&ntilde;o o miembro privilegiado"

#: query.php:885
#, c-format
msgid "Leave as <b>%s</b>"
msgstr "Dejar como <b>%s</b>"

#: query.php:891
#, c-format
msgid "Accept problem (change status to <b>%s</b>)"
msgstr "Aceptar problema (cambiar el estado a <b>%s</b>)"

#: query.php:898
msgid "Work on bug, changing status to"
msgstr "Trabajar sobre el bug, cambiando el estado a"

#: query.php:910
msgid "Verify this unconfirmed bug"
msgstr "Verificar este bug no confirmado"

#: query.php:915
msgid "Change resolution priority to"
msgstr "Cambiar la prioridad de resoluci&oacute;n a"

#: query.php:928
msgid "Change bug severity to"
msgstr "Cambiar la severidad del bug a"

#: query.php:941
msgid "Resolve bug, changing resolution to"
msgstr "Resolver bug, cambiando la resoluci&oacute;n a"

#: query.php:952 query.php:988
msgid "If FIXED, you may also select a version:"
msgstr "Si CORREGIDO, tambi&eacute;n puede seleccionar una versi&oacute;n:"

#: query.php:956
msgid "Resolve bug, make it a duplicate of problem"
msgstr "Resolver bug, hacerlo un duplicado del problema"

#: query.php:960
msgid "Close bug with no resolution"
msgstr "Cerrar bug sin resoluci&oacute;n alguna"

#: query.php:963
msgid "Reassign problem to"
msgstr "Reasignar problema a"

#: query.php:974
msgid "Reassign problem to owner of selected component"
msgstr "Reasignar problema al due&ntilde;o del componente seleccionado"

#: query.php:978
msgid "Mark this bug private"
msgstr "Marcar este bug privado"

#: query.php:981
msgid "Mark this bug public"
msgstr "Marcar este bug p&uacute;blico"

#: query.php:987
msgid "Re-open bug"
msgstr "Volver a abrir bug"

#: reports.php:10 reports.php:64
msgid "Bug Reports"
msgstr "Reportes de bugs"

#: reports.php:29
msgid "Select Product To Report On"
msgstr "Seleccionar el Producto sobre el que desea reportar"

#: reports.php:79
#, c-format
msgid "Bug Report for %s"
msgstr "Reporte de bugs para %s"

#: reports.php:87
msgid "New Bugs This Week"
msgstr "Bugs nuevos esta semana"

#: reports.php:103
msgid "Bugs Marked New"
msgstr "Bugs marcados como nuevos"

#: reports.php:115
msgid "Bugs Marked Assigned"
msgstr "Bugs marcados como asignados"

#: reports.php:127
msgid "Bugs Marked Verified"
msgstr "Bugs marcados como verificados"

#: reports.php:139
msgid "Bugs Marked Unconfirmed"
msgstr "Bugs marcados como no confirmados"

#: reports.php:151
msgid "Bugs Marked Reopened"
msgstr "Bugs marcados como vueltos a abrir"

#: reports.php:163
msgid "Total Bugs"
msgstr "Total de bugs"

#: reports.php:175
msgid "Bug Count by Owner"
msgstr "Cantidad de bugs por dueño"

#: reports.php:182
msgid "Reported"
msgstr "Reportado"

#: reports.php:185 reports.php:307
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nuevo"

#: reports.php:188 reports.php:310
msgid "Assigned"
msgstr "Asignado"

#: reports.php:191 reports.php:313
msgid "Verified"
msgstr "Verificado"

#: reports.php:194 reports.php:316
msgid "Unconfirmed"
msgstr "No confirmado"

#: reports.php:197 reports.php:319
msgid "Reopened"
msgstr "Vuelto a abrir"

#: reports.php:200
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"

#: reports.php:300
msgid "Individual Bugs by Owner"
msgstr "Bugs individuales por Due&ntilde;"

#: showattachment.php:19 showattachment.php:21
msgid "Invalid Attachment"
msgstr "Adjunto no v&aacute;lido"

#: showattachment.php:22
msgid "The attachment you selected is unlisted."
msgstr "El adjunto que seleccion&oacute; no est&aacute; listado."

#: showattachment.php:33 showattachment.php:35
msgid "Invalid Authorization"
msgstr "Autorizaci&oacute;n no v&aacute;lida"

#: textreport.php:24
msgid "Text Bug Reports"
msgstr "Reportes de bug de texto"

#: textreport.php:31 textreport.php:37
msgid "Select Report"
msgstr "Seleccionar reporte"

#: textreport.php:74
msgid "Total bug information report"
msgstr "Reporte de informaci&oacute;n total sobre bugs"

#: textreport.php:118
msgid ""
"Bug      Priority Severity    Status      Modified              Resolution"
msgstr ""
"Bug      Priorid. Severid.    Estado      Modificado            Resolución"

#: textreport.php:143
msgid "Long description:"
msgstr "Descripci&oacute;n Larga:"

#: textreport.php:160
msgid "What: Status Change"
msgstr "Qu&eacute;: Cambio de estado"

#: textreport.php:162
msgid "What: Reassigned"
msgstr "Qu&eacute;: Reasignado"

#: textreport.php:164
msgid "What: State Change"
msgstr "Qu&eacute;: Cambio de estado"

#: textreport.php:166
msgid "What: Added to CC"
msgstr "Qu&eacute;: Agregado a CC"

#: textreport.php:168
msgid "What: Removed from CC"
msgstr "Qu&eacute;: Quitado de CC"

#: textreport.php:178
#, c-format
msgid "Report generated on %s GMT."
msgstr "Reporte generado el %s GMT."

#: textreport.php:184
msgid "Partial bug information report"
msgstr "Reporte de informaci&oacute;n parcial de bugs"

#: include/
msgid "shadowdir is not writable; please notify the administrator."
msgstr ""
"el directorio shadow no se puede escribir; por favor notifique al "

#: include/
msgid "temporary directory is not writable; please notify the administrator."
msgstr ""
"el directorio temporal no se puede escribir; por favor notifique al "

#: include/
msgid ""
"gnupg storage directory is not writable; please notify the administrator."
msgstr ""
"el directorio de almacenamiento de gnupg no se puede escribir; por favor "
"notifique al administrador."

#: include/
msgid "attachments directory is not writable; please notify the administrator."
msgstr ""
"el directorio de adjuntos no se puede escribir; por favor notifique al "

#: include/
msgid ""
"safe_mode enabled, but no safe_mode_exec_dir defined - diff will be unable "
"to run; please notify the administrator."
msgstr ""
"safe_mode habilitado, pero no se defini&oacute; safe_mode_exec_dir - diff no "
"estar&aacute; disponible para correrlo; por favor notifique al administrador."

#: include/
msgid ""
"diff is not in safe_mode_exec_dir and will not be able to run; please notify "
"the administrator."
msgstr ""
"diff no estar&aacute; en safe_mode_exec_dir y no estar&aacute; disponible "
"para correrlo; por favor notifique al administrador."

#: include/
msgid "query bugs"
msgstr "consultar bugs"

#: include/
msgid "register"
msgstr "registrarse"

#: include/
msgid "login"
msgstr "conectarse"

#: include/
msgid "preferences"
msgstr "preferencias"

#: include/
msgid "logout"
msgstr "desconectarse"

#: include/
msgid "submit a bug"
msgstr "enviar un bug"

#: include/
msgid "your open bugs"
msgstr "sus bugs abiertos"

#: include/
msgid "administration"
msgstr "administraci&oacute;n"

#: include/
msgid ""
"Copyright &copy; 2001-2002 <a href=\"\";>Danen "
"Consulting Services</a>; all rights reserved."
msgstr ""
"Derechos de autor &copy;, 2001-2002 <a href=\"\";>Danen "
"Consulting Services</a>; todos los derechos reservados."

#: include/
msgid "This is your first login"
msgstr "Esta es su primer conexi&oacute;n"

#: include/
msgid "Delete Key"
msgstr "Eliminar Clave"

#: include/ include/
#: include/
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Cambiar"

#: include/
msgid "Auto CC (separate by commas)"
msgstr "Auto CC (separar por comas)"

#: include/
msgid ""
"Auto CC is used to automatically add email addresses to new bugs assigned to "
"this component.  This is a comma delimited list (ie. 
msgstr ""
"Auto CC se utiliza para a&ntilde;adir autom&aacute;ticamente direcciones de "
"correo-e a los bugs nuevos asignados a este componente.  Esta es una lista "
"separada por comas (ej: 'address@hidden,address@hidden')"

#: include/
msgid "Basic User"
msgstr "Usuario B&aacute;sico"

#: include/
msgid "Developer"
msgstr "Desarrollador"

#: include/
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Administrador"

#: include/
msgid "New Password"
msgstr "Contrase&ntilde;a nueva"

#: include/
msgid "New Password (re-enter)"
msgstr "Contrase&ntilde;a nueva (volver a ingresar)"

#: include/
msgid "Error: Cannot open temporary file."
msgstr "Error: no se puede abrir archivo temporal."

#: include/
msgid "Error: Cannot open diff file."
msgstr "Error: no se puede abrir archivo de diferencias."

#: include/
msgid ""
"There was an error or you entered no information when saving changes; diff "
"is empty!"
msgstr ""
"¡Hubo un error o no ingres&oacute; informaci&oacute;n alguna cuando guardaba "
"los cambios; diff est&aacute; vac&iacute;o!"

#: include/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There are new bugs assigned to you.  Please accept them or assign them to\n"
"someone else by going to %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Tiene asignados bugs nuevos. Por favor, ac&eacute;ptelos o as&iacute;gnelos "
"a otra persona yendo a %s\n"

#: include/
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There are unresolved bugs assigned to you. This is a reminder that you\n"
"have open bugs in the bug system.\n"
msgstr ""
"Tiene asignados bugs no resueltos. Este es un recordatorio que tiene\n"
"bugs abiertos en el sistema de bugs.\n"

#: include/
msgid ""
"For simple bug searching and reporting, use any of the following simple "
msgstr ""
"Para b&uacute;squeda simple de bugs y reportes, utilice cualquiera de los "
"formularios sencillos siguientes."

#: include/
msgid ""
"For advanced bug searching and reporting capabilities, you can use the "
"following form instead."
msgstr ""
"Para b&uacute;squeda avanzada y capacidades de reporte, puede utilizar el "
"formulario siguiente."

#: include/
#, c-format
msgid "Requested difference between versions  for %s..."
msgstr "Se pidi&oacute; la diferencia entre las versiones para %s..."

#: include/
msgid "Check differences between version "
msgstr "Verificar diferencias entre la versión "

#: include/
msgid "and version"
msgstr "y la versión"

#: include/ include/
msgid "ERROR: Username is already taken."
msgstr "ERROR: Nombre de usuario ya pertenece a otro."

#: include/ include/
msgid "ERROR: Email address already taken."
msgstr "ERROR: Direcci&oacute;n de correo-e ya registrada."

#: include/
msgid "ERROR: Invalid email address."
msgstr "ERROR: Direcci&oacute;n de correo-e no v&aacute;lida."

#: include/
msgid "ERROR: Email addresses do not contain spaces."
msgstr "ERROR: Las direcciones de correo-e no contienen espacios."

#: include/
msgid "ERROR: Invalid username."
msgstr "ERROR: Nombre de usuario no v&aacute;lido."

#: include/
msgid "ERROR: Username is too long.  It must be less than 25 characters."
msgstr ""
"ERROR: El nombre de usuario es muy largo. Debe contener menos de 25 "

#. new user
#: include/ include/
msgid "ERROR: Username is reserved."
msgstr "ERROR: El nombre de usuario est&aacute; reservado."

#: include/
msgid "You do not have access."
msgstr "No tiene acceso."

#: include/
msgid "Access Denied"
msgstr "Acceso denegado"

#: include/
msgid "You must be logged in to obtain a report."
msgstr "Debe estar conectado para obtener un reporte."

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:13
#, c-format
msgid "Powered by <a href=\"%s\">%s %s</a>, %s"
msgstr "Corriendo en <a href=%s\">%s %s</a>, %s"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:36
#, c-format
msgid "Welcome to %s"
msgstr "Bienvenido a %s"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:89
msgid "home"
msgstr "principal"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:102
#, c-format
msgid "Current user: %s"
msgstr "Usuario actual: %s"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:130
#: backend/template/default/theme.php:185
#: backend/template/default/theme.php:243
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Nombre de Usuario"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:146
#: backend/template/default/theme.php:193
#: backend/template/default/theme.php:259
msgid "E-mail address"
msgstr "Direcci&oacute;n Electr&oacute;nica"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:171
msgid ""
"Please use a legitimate email address.  The account will be created and the "
"password will be mailed to you.  Please fill out the form entirely."
msgstr ""
"Por favor use una direcci&oacute;n de correo legitima, la cuenta sera creada "
"y la Contrase&ntilde;a sera enviada e esa direcci&oacute;n. Por favor llene "
"la forma completamente "

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:172
#, c-format
msgid ""
"If you have lost or forgotten your password, you can have %s generate a new "
"password for you and email it to you.  For security, please include your "
"chosen username as well.  If you have forgotten that as well, you have "
msgstr ""
"Si ha olvidado o perdido su contrase&ntilde;a, puede dejar que %s genere una "
"nueva contrase&ntilde;a y se la envie.  Por seguridad, por favor incluya su "
"nombre de usuario tambien.  Si ha olvidado eso tambien, entonces tiene "

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:235
msgid "Last Login Date"
msgstr "Fecha de la &uacute;ltima conexi&oacute;n"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:267
msgid "Receive changes I make via E-mail"
msgstr ""

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:286
msgid "Re-Enter Password"
msgstr "Ingrese de nuevo su contrase&ntilde;a"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:294
msgid "Remember Me for"
msgstr "Recordarme por"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:324
msgid "Upload GPG/PGP keyfile"
msgstr "Cargar archivo GPG/PGP"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:341
msgid "GnuPG/PGP Key on File"
msgstr "Llave GPG/PGP en archivo"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:367
msgid "You must select a bug to view or search for it:"
msgstr "Debe seleccionar un bug para verlo o buscarlo:"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:371
msgid "View Bug"
msgstr "Ver bug"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:389
msgid "Keyword Search"
msgstr "Buscar por palabra clave"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:409
msgid ""
"Here you can obtain a listing of the bugs stored.  Please select one of the "
"following criteria:"
msgstr ""
"Aqu&iacute; puede obtener un listado de los bugs almacenados.  Por favor "
"seleccione alguno de los criterios siguientes:"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:415
msgid "List my bugs of status"
msgstr "Listar mis bugs en estado"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:427
msgid "List all bugs of status"
msgstr "Listar todos los bugs en estado"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:439
msgid "List all bugs for user"
msgstr "Listar todos los bugs por usuario"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:451
msgid "List all bugs reported by"
msgstr "Listar todos los bugs reportados por"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:463
msgid "List all bugs you reported"
msgstr "Listar todos los bugs que report&eacute;"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:469
msgid "List all unresolved bugs"
msgstr "Listar todos los bugs no resueltos"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:475
msgid "List all bugs for product"
msgstr "Listar todos los bugs para el producto"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:479
msgid "All Products"
msgstr "Todos los productos"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:487
msgid "List version differences for product"
msgstr "Listar las diferencias de versi&oacute;n para el producto"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:519
msgid "What are the different steps of a bug's life?"
msgstr "¿Cu&aacute;les son los diferentes pasos en la vida de un bug?"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:525
msgid "NEW: status of a bug just inserted into the database."
msgstr "NUEVO: estado de un bug reci&eacute; ingresado en la base de datos."

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:526
msgid "ASSIGNED: when the maintainers accept responsibility for the bug."
msgstr ""
"ASIGNADO: cuando quienes mantienen el producto aceptan la responsabilidad "
"por el bug."

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:527
msgid ""
"UNCONFIRMED: the bug is not yet confirmed, but testing is being done to "
"verify it."
msgstr ""
"NO CONFIRMADO: el bug todav&iacute;a no est&aacute; confirmado, pero se "
"est&aacute;n realizando pruebas para verificarlo."

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:528
msgid "VERIFIED: the bug is verified but has not been fixed."
msgstr "VERIFICADO: el bug est&aacute; verificado, pero no ha sido corregido."

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:529
msgid ""
"RESOLVED: when the bug is resolved by the maintainer; can be one of the "
"following states:"
msgstr ""
"RESUELTO: cuando quienes mantienen el producto resuelven el bug; puede estar "
"en uno de los estados siguientes:"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:531
msgid "FIXED: the bug is fixed and the solution is tested."
msgstr ""
"CORREGIDO: el bug est&aacute; corregido y la soluci&oacute;n est&aacute; "

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:532
msgid "INVALID: the problem described is not a bug."
msgstr "NO V&Aacute;LIDO: el problema descripto no es un bug."

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:533
msgid "WONTFIX: the bug cannot be fixed for some reason."
msgstr "NOCORREGIBLE: el bug no se puede corregir por alg&uacute;n motivo."

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:535
msgid ""
"CLOSED: the bug is closed, with no resolution status (ie. an invalid bug "
msgstr ""
"CERRADO: el bug est&aacute; cerrado, sin estado de resoluci&oacute;n (es "
"decir, es un reporte de bug no v&aacute;lido)"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:536
msgid ""
"REOPENED: the bug has been reopened after it was CLOSED or RESOLVED due to "
"new information"
msgstr ""
"REABIERTO: el bug ha sido vuelto a abrir luego que fue CERRADO o RESUELTO "
"debido a informaci&oacute;n nueva"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:543
msgid "Can maintainers reassign a bug?"
msgstr "¿Pueden quienes mantienen el producto volver a asignar un bug?"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:548
msgid ""
"Yes they can.  On the bug report page, a field allows the maintainer to "
"reassign the bug to another person."
msgstr ""
"Sí, pueden.  En la p&aacute;gina de reporte de bugs, un campo permite que "
"quien mantiene el producto vuelva a asignar el bug a otra persona."

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:554
msgid "Can the reporter modify the bug status?"
msgstr "¿Puede quien reporta modificar el estado del bug?"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:559
msgid ""
"No.  The reporter is only authorized to enter more comments about the bug, "
"like anyone else.  Only the assigned maintainer and privileged users are "
"able to modify the bug status."
msgstr ""
"No.  Quien reporta, s&oacute;lo est&aacute; autorizado a ingresar m&aacute;s "
"comentarios acerca del bug, como los dem&aacute;s.  S&oacute;lo quien "
"mantiene el producto y lo tiene asignado y los usuarios privilegiados pueden "
"modificar el estado del bug."

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:571
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To attach a file to <a href=\"query.php?bug=%s\">bug #%s</a>, place it in a "
"file on your local machine and enter the path to that file here:"
msgstr ""
"Para adjuntar un archivo a <a href=\"query.php?bug=%s\">bug #%s</a>, "
"col&oacute;quelo en un archivo en su m&aacute;quina local e ingrese "
"aqu&iacute; la ruta a dicho archivo:"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:578
#, c-format
msgid "Please note that the maximum file size accepted is %s bytes"
msgstr ""
"Por favor, note que el tama&ntilde;o m&aacute;ximo de archivo aceptado es %s "

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:579
msgid "Please provide a one-line description of this attachment:"
msgstr ""
"Por favor, ingrese una descripci&oacute;n de una l&iacute;nea para este "

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:581
msgid "Please select the type of file you are uploading:"
msgstr ""
"Por favor, seleccione el tipo de archivo que est&aacute; transfiriendo:"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:582
msgid "Patch file (text/plain, diffs)"
msgstr "Archivo parche (text/plain, diffs)"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:583
msgid "Plain text (text/plain)"
msgstr "Archivo de text (text/plain)"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:584
msgid "HTML source (text/html)"
msgstr "Fuente HTML (text/html)"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:585
msgid "GIF image (image/gif)"
msgstr "imagen GIF (image/gif)"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:586
msgid "JPEG image (image/jpeg)"
msgstr "imagen JPEG (image/jpeg)"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:587
msgid "PNG image (image/png)"
msgstr "imagen PNG (image/png)"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:588
msgid "Binary file (application/octet-stream)"
msgstr "Archivo binario (application/octet-stream)"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:589
msgid "Other (enter MIME type:"
msgstr "Otro (ingrese tipo MIME):"

#: backend/template/default/theme.php:628
msgid ""
"If you don't have a password, or have forgotten it, then please fill out the "
"<a href=\"newuser.php\">registration</a> page."
msgstr ""
"Si no tiene una contrase&ntilde;a, o la ha olvid&oacute;, por favor complete "
"la p&aacute;gina de <a href=\"newuser.php\">registro</a>."

#~ msgid "Powered by %s %s, %s"
#~ msgstr "Controlado por %s %s, %s"

#~ msgid "Search for Bug"
#~ msgstr "Buscar un Bug"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "NOTE: Admin access is defined as \"%s\"."
#~ msgstr "NOTA: El acceso Admin est&aacute; definido como \"%s\""

#~ msgid "Powered by %s!"
#~ msgstr "Controlado por %s!"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Send New Password"
#~ msgstr "Nueva Contrase&ntilde;a enviada"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Password Salt"
#~ msgstr "Contrase&ntilde;a"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Query"
#~ msgstr "Consultar un Bug"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You can also view the entire <a href=\"buglist.php\">list</a> of bugs in "
#~ "the system."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Tambien puede ver la totalidad de la <a href=\"buglist.php\">lista</a> de "
#~ "bugs en el sistema"

#~ msgid "Reported By"
#~ msgstr "Reportado Por"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "Comment posted: %s by %s"
#~ msgstr "Comentario enviado por: %s by %s."

#~ msgid ""
#~ "You can do further configuration of strings appearing on the site by "
#~ "editing the <i>backend/language/[language].po</i> file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Puede configurar m&aacute;s las cadenas de caracteres (strings) que "
#~ "aparecen en el sitio editando el archivo <i>backend/language/[spanish]."
#~ "po</i>."

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