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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Adapting authentication to my needs

From: Joseph Engo
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Adapting authentication to my needs
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2001 19:10:15 +0000

I think I hit the wrong button ... this might be a resend ... sorry.

Joseph Engo (address@hidden) wrote*:
>>Hi! I want to know if phpgroupware uses some kind of standar function to
>>check if a user is authenticated.
>>The problem is I have a working intranet system writen mostly in perl (not
>>by me) wich authentication is integrated with Windoor
>>Networking/E-Mail/Proxy/etc. and I want to add to this system the excelent
>>phpgroupware framework to use some of the applications...
>>What I have to do is get a cookie from the user, check in a mysql database
>>for the unique id in the cookie and if is present, check for some data
>>stored in the DB (like username, etc)... If the user is logged in, I let
>>it cotinue with phpgroupware, if not, I redirect him to the standar perl
>>login of the intranet system I'm working in...
>>Well, I hope somebody can give me some help with this, at least telling me
>>where can I read about the authentication in phpgroupware....
>This idea is a little more complex them standard auth.  Becuase, you are 
>with a seperate cookie.  Heres some ideas on how to do it.  Its not the 
>idea, but the changes could be brought into cvs. (On some parts)
>You will need to change all references to $sessionid to the name of your 
>cookie and
>re-write  You may need to create a new
> file.  Not sure how you want to handle logins.
>Either way, it would be a great idea to be able to change the name of the
>in the code.  This way, you _could_ have multiable sessions running on seperate
>machines and do many more things with it. (That is, if your dealing with 
>Joseph Engo
>Joseph Engo <address@hidden>
>Lead developer
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>Phpgroupware-developers mailing list
    Joseph Engo <address@hidden>
    Lead developer
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