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[Phpgroupware-developers] Re: xml-rpc exchange connector

From: Joseph Engo
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: xml-rpc exchange connector
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2001 18:08:07 +0000

>Jengo, great news I have had a few good pascal hackzors from the uk join me
>and we have decided that we are going to do a exchange connector. We decided
>that since microsoft is such a developer friendly company we should pay them
>back by doing a complete MS CDO API port to xml-rpc for them. I do hope they
>appreciate our hard work ;)

Thats pretty cool!  I think this would be *VERY* usefull tool.  Just as long as 
it can be keep open source (GPLed) without MS tring to shut it down and what 

>Should have something going real soon. BTW, I put up a new version on friday
>and it also contains examples, even a kylix xml-rpc server daemon.

Ah cool.  Did anyone test the SSL parts of your librarys ?  I was playing 
around with it a few weeks ago, then got side tracked on other things.

>I will keep you in the loop but it should happen this week. It appears to be
>a damn easy thing to do since our codebase is stable.

Sounds good.  Your librarys have become very stable over the past few months.  
Have you thought about using CVS for your projects ?  This way, developers can 
keep up to date with your work.  It would also make it easier for multiable 

>We are working performance tuning now to squeeze every ounce of speed we can
>get out of the libraries.

Thats good to hear.  One thing that would be nice, would be something to detect 
improper XML returns and handle them nicley.  If PHP throws an error, your 
librarys will crap out with Access Violations becuase it doesn't know how to 
handle unknown tags that are actually HTML.

At any rate, I am forwarding this message to the phpGroupWare developers 
mailling list, I think there are a few people who might find this intresting.
    Joseph Engo <address@hidden>
    Lead developer
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