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[Phpgroupware-developers] more caching

From: Tony (Angles) Puglisi
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] more caching
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 20:45:40 +0000

Ok Miles, more props for you today.

I took you advice and studied appsession. Absolutely cool. I cache the message 
integer array in there, with a mechanism to expire it when the data is deemed to
have become stale.

As an example, I have a folder with iver 4,000 messages in it. Now the email app
does not have to re-get that message list every page view. Real nice. Also, it
helps with next/prev message navagation, since we use UID's not the msg numbers 
not contiguous, so I use the index in that appsession cached message list, to 
the correct UID of the next and previous message.

Miles, you made this all possible, I would never have thought or kniown about it
otherwise. Thanks again!

Also, the folder cache now is 1/2 the size it was before. More efficent. And has
better tracking of what account (email account - multiple accounts are "coming
soon") "owns" that cached data. If you switch to a different email account, 
this is
important, as you could imagine.

I kept the folder cache (1 dimentional array of folder names) in the "verboten"
session->prefs array (note that the email session->prefs array is a TOTALLY
different source than any other app's prefs, they get added together in the api,
but I'm not screwing with any other's data) because it appears that appsession 
gets cleaned, and rightly so. But if you have to wait a minute to obtain a new
folder list, I think this folder cache should not expire because of time, but
rather because of validity.
that's "angle" as in geometry

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