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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] connect to and query other databases

From: Andy Mayer
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] connect to and query other databases
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 12:05:06 +0100

I did exactly the same thing for a content management system hooked 
onto the front phpgw login screen. It enabled users to get access pages 
of information about the phpgw system, before they logged in.

... but I used the same phpgw database, rather than a separate one:

$db = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '. $table . ' WHERE '. $where_clause;
while ($db->next_record()) {
   echo $db->f('columnname1');
   echo $db->f('columnname2');

AFAIK the api is not designed to use multiple databases concurrently... 
but anybody else in the know please feel free to correct me!

Andy Mayer
Delivering solutions to provide dynamic
content over web, wap and PDA platforms. 

> Hello all,
> Can somebody tell me how I can use functions from the phpgwapi to 
connect to another database
> and do queries on it? At the moment I use direct mysql_query and 
connect functions. I know
> this is a bad thing to do.
> Maybe you can give me a phpgw equal to the following:
>    $conn=mysql_pconnect($localhost,$user,$database);
>    mysql_select_db($database, $conn);
>    $SQL='SELECT * FROM '. $table . ' WHERE';
>    $result=mysql_query($SQL,$connection);
> I'm working on a multiuser/multisite contentmanagement system in 
phpGW which works with a
> single database per site. It's kind of a phpMyAdmin with specified 
contentmanagement tasks
> an capabilities like uploading images and containing relations 
between tables.
> I'll give you all a preview when it's more stable.
> Thanks
> Pim Snel
> -- 
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