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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] S/MIME and PGP

From: Chris Weiss
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] S/MIME and PGP
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 13:44:00 +0000

Paolo Andreetto (address@hidden) wrote*:
>Del wrote:
>> Yes, my organisation is in the process of porting our S/MIME and PGP
>> support to Anglemail.
>Sounds good! Why Anglemail and not felamimail or other project?

because anglemail is based on the core email and it's likely that it will 
the core email in the furture, whicle felami is a 3rd party app.

>> We have it working with HORDE/IMP, and have the basic object classes,
>> etc, ported across to anglemail.  It's just a matter of tidying it up
>> and getting it incorporated into the core.
>Our project is just at the beginning: a module for viewing certificate data,
>no integration with email-client.
>Is it possible to share code?

If yours is a class, then email and felami would both beable to make use of it, 
well as other apps.  This would be most ideal.

>> Certificate management for S/MIME is the tricky bit.  We're doing
>> it via LDAP.  In other words, an S/MIME implementation of Anglemail
>> will require an LDAP server.
>LDAP is the best solution for certificate handling, but what about
>private keys?
>I also think that keeping the keys on server, for example into database,
>is a bad
>solution but I cannot find a better one.

This is why it hasn't already been done.

>Keep in touch
>Phpgroupware-developers mailing list

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