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[Phpgroupware-developers] Support Requests

From: Dave Hall
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Support Requests
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 15:27:26 +1000

Hi all,

At the moment we have some 240 odd support requests in the system at 
the moment.  Some of them untouched since Feb-02.  

Here are some rough stats on the various requests in the system
Bug Reports:      75
Feature Requests: 65
Questions:        76
Missing:          24 (There is no option to filter by None)

This is from memory but about the issues above relate to email and a 
further quarter relate to addressbook.

Today I started assigning the feature requests to the 'maintainer' 
listed on the phpgw site at: .  I know this is a bit 
out of date ... but it is all i had.  This way developers can see what 
people want and make a quick assesment and kill those that they do not 
wish to develop.  For the remainder they could ask if the person is 
interested in developing the feature (or assisting), this could be a 
way of introducing some new blood.

I intend to assign all the bugs on the system to the relevant 
developers also, as there is no way of assigning them to apps.  In 
order to stop bugs being submitted under support requests i would 
suggest a message similar to this being added to the top of the page.

"Please DO NOT post bug reports on this page.  Please report bugs on .  If you post a bug 
report it will automatically be closed, as this interface is very 
annoying for us to use.

phpgw developers"

or something like that.  Also the "Bug Report" category should be 
renamed to something like "Bug Report - NO LONGER USED", imho.  A 
canned response telling them to follow the instructions would be good 

I don't know about others, but I personally hate the support request 
system interface.  Also reporting is non existent :(

Let me know what you think.



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