How are you? My name's Silvina Miana, I am living in Cordoba, Argentina.
At the moment I am working as volunteer in a Private University
"Universidad Empresarial Siglo 21", over phpgroupware from use it as a
manager for the webmail system and all the capabilities that provides
your project.
The webmail is built in Horde framework, using IMP and Turba.
The problem:
Can I run the horde framework and the phpgroupware framework on the same
machine (multiple sessions of each) without problems or conflicts?
Is there a way to run IMP from phpgroupware cleanly?
Alternatively, is there a way to run phpgroupware from IMP cleanly?
Can I add Horde as a New application?
(It seems imposible to me becouse both uses separate databases an
separate permissions...)
I hope you can answer me as fast as you can.
icq #: 94123192
msn: address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>