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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] New ACL class in CVS (can it really be?)

From: Dan Kuykendall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] New ACL class in CVS (can it really be?)
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 20:42:17 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.2) Gecko/20021126

Output of my acl2_tester.php for those who dont have time to mess with setting it up. This is what it generates:

This test is going to delete all your phpgw_acl2 records to ensure that the tests run as expected.
Action: DELETE FROM phpgw_acl2

Running checks on .one.two.three after changing directly granted rights as well as ones it will inherit from

1: check rights for .one.two which will get inherited by .one.two.three
1 is invalid
2 is invalid
4 is invalid
8 is invalid
You can see that no rights are set, so none will be inherited

2: checking .one.two.three
1 is invalid
2 is invalid
4 is invalid
8 is invalid
You can see that no rights are set directly as well

3: add rights 4 to .one.two.three
Action: $acl2->add('.one.two.three',4,0);
1 is invalid
2 is invalid
4 is valid
8 is invalid

4: add rights 8 to .one.two.three
Action: $acl2->add('.one.two.three',8,0);
1 is invalid
2 is invalid
4 is valid
8 is valid

5: remove rights 4 from .one.two.three
Action: $acl2->remove('.one.two.three',4,0);
1 is invalid
2 is invalid
4 is invalid
8 is valid

5: set rights to 2 on .one.two.three
Action: $acl2->set('.one.two.three', 2,0);
1 is invalid
2 is valid
4 is invalid
8 is invalid

Now to see inheritance in action...
6: add rights 8 to .one.two
Action: $acl2->add('.one.two',8,0);
1 is invalid
2 is valid
4 is invalid
8 is valid
You can see here that it has inherited rights 8 from .one.two

7: add rights 4 to .one.two
Action: $acl2->add('.one.two',4,0);
1 is invalid
2 is valid
4 is valid
8 is valid
You can see here that it has also inherited rights 4 from .one.two

Now to see inherited rights masks in action...
8: add rights mask for 8 to .one.two
Action: $acl2->add('.one.two',8,1);
1 is invalid
2 is valid
4 is valid
8 is invalid
You can see here that it no longer inherited rights 8 from .one.two

It will help to see the rights for .one.two at this point to clearly see the rights mask doing its work
9: display rights for .one.two
1 is invalid
2 is invalid
4 is valid
8 is valid
You can see here that it has rights for 4 and 8, and yet above you saw that .one.two.three did not inherited rights 4 from it

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