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[Phpgroupware-developers] Re: [Phpgroupware-users] Who is responsible f

From: Guillaume Courtois
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: [Phpgroupware-users] Who is responsible for lang files?
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 10:06:49 +0000

>sorry, no idea, I am now starting to learn the lang stuff, I used to

>ignore it and hope someone else would keep it working ;)


>Might look at it tonight if I have time and remember - no promises tho.

Ok, I've checked the translate function. Once it has found the translated 
phrase in
the database, it replaces in that translated phrase the variables one by one :

- when it finds %1, it replaces it by the first variable

- when it finds %2, etc ...

This means that %1, %2, etc ... MUST exist in the translated phrase in order to 
the variables appearing in the translated phrase.

But for the original phrase, it seems like it can contain %1, %2, etc ... as 
seen in some phrases or x, x, etc ... as I've seen most of the time. The 
is that it's the same in the lang call AND in the phpgw_*.lang file.

Personnally, I'd prefer to have the %1, %2, etc ... both in the original AND the
translated phrase (seems more logical and simpler to handle to me), but do you 
there could be a problem with the translate function if the original phrase 
%1, %2, etc ... ? (this could explain why there is x instead of %1 in the 
phrases). Or has this been done only for the original phrase to be easier to 
read ?

I would like to know what should (or must) be put in the original phrase so 
that I
change the wrong lang calls AND lang files in order to have everything uniform 
all the apps.

As I think this involves all the developers, I send a copy of this mail to the 
list too ...

Bye !

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