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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] HEAD setup app

From: Del
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] HEAD setup app
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2003 23:18:40 +1100
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Alex Borges (lex) wrote:

Okay, at the risk of biting my own toe here, what i see is that the
existing ldap schemas for phpgwcontact should die, die, die. I propose a
full rewrite based in the existing person, orgperson and inetorgperson.

Hear hear.  I second this.

Don't break existing schemae, they are defined for a reason.

Also, I'd like to get some work started in turning eLDAPtir into a real
useful LDAP manager -- but at the moment I'm kind of stuck on the phpgw
end of things.  Maybe I'll have more time later in the year to work on
it ... unless someone else's already doing it.


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