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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Time Tracking Issue

From: Brian Johnson
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Time Tracking Issue
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 14:05:17 +0000

Jose de Vera Jr. (address@hidden) wrote:
>I can't do anything about it.. even checking in also is not functioning...

I don't understand this statement

>is there anything to do first before to activate this app..

It's been a while since I installed it, but I think you go to step 3 in the 
phpgw setup instructions (manage applications) and install it from there.  Then 
to admin and hit site setup (this button creates a couple of user groups and 
some people to them)

>what i saw different is taht all preferences for this app in the administration
menu are having asterisk (*) at the end..

this just means that a entry is not included for that word in the language 
files (ie
no conversion to other languages unless you do it)

Brian Johnson

This is where my witty signature line would be if I bothered to edit this line 

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