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[Phpgroupware-developers] php.ini

From: SpencerUnderground
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] php.ini
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 18:16:51 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Hi all.
I have recently been introduced to phpGroupWare.  I really like it
alot!  Great job.  I hear you guys have come a long way since the early

I just wanted to let the list know of a problem I kept having installing
phpgw on a couple different boxen.  I did not see any reference to this
in the docs.

The install would go normally until the file was in
place. ( How it got there did not matter.)  When I would point my
browser to http://box/setup/  I would get the proper page, however there
were no 'Login' buttons.  All the buttons on the form had become odd
looking html.  For example, the button that should say 'Login' , to the
right of the passwd field, would look thusly:
with no way to 'clicky clicky' the button.
I scratched my head on this one for a while, and rambled on IRC about
it.  Then I realize that those are 'qoutes'.  Not very happy qoutes, but
qoutes they were.  I scratched my head some more and final remebered I
changed just such a setting in the php.ini file.  I corrected the
following and all is well.

/me causes way to much work for hisself :(

I had this setting in my php.ini (not the default with Debian/Woody
magic_quotes_runtime = On

I changed it to Off and all my troubles went away.

Maybe this could be addressed in a FAQ someplace?
Hopefully if anyone else experiences this google will bring them to this
archive :)

                        --*--SpencerUnderground--*--                          address@hidden
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