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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Database buglist (fwd)

From: Chris Weiss
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Database buglist (fwd)
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 21:03:54 +0000

address@hidden wrote:
>i dont see a reason to send this mail just to a few of us...

agreed.  most of the apps listed here aren't maintained by the "core" anyway.


this thing is hacked.  IIRC it's functionality has been replaced as part of 
 Cant delete it cause people are still using it, but it's not worth dwelling on
unless you plan on maintaining it for some odd reason.

>Last but not least please let me say that the whole database is badly
>designed and to much work on the data is done in the API.
>This will slow down the application!

keep in mind "the whole database" is collections of stand alone scripts written 
various people, some of whom were writting their very first SQL.  Also keep in 
were dealing with a "lowest common denominator", not all DB's support forien 
and limit and subselects and blobs and other such usefull things.

>Also other things that will slow down phpGW on the database level are
>missing(!!) indexes on "foreign keys" and other often used coloumns!!!

you mean like the apps in active development who may have not even finalaized a
schema yet?  Why are you doing  this in HEAD and not .16 again?  I don't get it.

>Another bad thing are relations between tables based on (var)char coloumns -
>this will also slow down the thing!

depends on the database.  MySql and MSSql are quite fast with indexed varchar
relations, i'm not familiar with others.

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