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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] XML & Schema Proc

From: Ralf Becker
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] XML & Schema Proc
Date: Fri, 02 May 2003 10:41:28 +0200
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Lars Kneschke(priv.) schrieb:
Dan Kuykendall <address@hidden> schrieb:
PEAR based projects are pretty much out for the moment. I spent alot
of time trying to make this work for our users that do not have control

over the web servers... and its really hit and miss.
So for now, PEAR just doesnt work for us.

ADODB is an option, but I dont think ADODB handles the same stuff we
use schema_proc for. It mostly just replaces the phplib db classes we

The alpha support for table-creation in ADOdb can also be seen as a change to influence their development, as I have to agree with Michael: our / his schema_proc classes are far ahead of every other project of this kind.

Chris Weiss wrote:
how would this compair to using ADODB or one of the PEAR based

Some points pro ADODB:

- We don't need to maintain it. This is one important point for me. We
really don't have the man power to add all the supported databases to our
database class. And currently is no one developing this classes anymore.
It would be nice to have a class which gets developed further without our

I did most of the maintaining (bug-fixing) of the db-classes and schema_proc in the last year and I can only support knecke in this.

The half a dozent postgres bugs I fixed in the last half year, shows / supports the benefits of bigger user-base in testing the schema_proc classe. Heres a short / not complete list: - sequnces had not been droped, when a table got droped (you could not remove and re-install apps)
- index got not renamed when table got renamed
- you cant do a add-column with no default (and other contrains on table-change where not handled correct
- see the cvs-logs for more ;-)

- Porting
There are many projects which are using ADODB. These projects can be easier
ported to phpGroupware, when we use the same database class.

There is already an existing emulation layer for ADOdb to allow to still use the phplib calls. Links are in the wiki on the ADOdb page. There is also a performance comparison.

- Support for more databases then we have now.

The only feature i see is missing, is the table creation stuff. But maybe we
can work together with the adodb people, to get this into adodb.

The biggest issue I see at the moment with our schema_proc classes (beside support for other db's, oracle to name one) is the missing index creation. Only primary keys and unique contrains got created, normal indices are ignored. This needs to be solved soon and we should use an update-script to create the indices for the existing installations too.

Ralf Becker
OUTDOOR UNLIMITED Training GmbH                Telefon 0631 / 31657-0
Leibnizstraße 17                               Telefax 0631 / 31657-26
D-67663 Kaiserslautern            EMail address@hidden

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