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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Apache Segmentation fault

From: Sam Przyswa
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Apache Segmentation fault
Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 21:51:23 +0000

Chris Weiss (address@hidden) écrivait:
>segfaults are most always caused by mis-matched shared lib versions, such as
>upgrading php but not php-imap or php-mysql, or even libmysql or some other
>dependancy.  yes i know that apt-get should handle all this, but a human has to
>enter the deps.....

Thanks for this info I check that.


Sam Przyswa - Chef de projet
Arial Concept - Intégrateur Internet
36, rue de Turin - 75008 - Paris - France
Tel: 01 40 54 86 04 - Fax: 01 40 54 83 01
Web: - Email: address@hidden

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