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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: [Phpgroupware-docteam] Enabling Simpli

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: [Phpgroupware-docteam] Enabling Simplified Chinese [was Translation to Brazilian Portuguese]
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 19:15:00 +1000

Guillaume Courtois <address@hidden> wrote:

> >My understanding is that Simplified Chinese (zh), similiar to 
> Portuguese,>is not enabled by default.
> Yep.
> >Perhaps the setting may have already been changed in cvs.  But 
> just to be on
> >the safe side, I would like to file a request to change the 
> 'available' field to
> 'yes'
> >
> >for the case of lang_id='zh' and lang_name='Chinese' in the 
> 'languages' table.
> >
> >I am following your advice and send a copy of this email to the 
> phpgw_developerslist.
> Ok, did someone change that ?
> I'm thinking about something which could be more intelligent at 
> the moment. Why not
> activate the languages in the table depending on what languages 
> are installed in
> setup (when you add phrases) ? For example, if someone installs 
> translations for
> chinese, you activate chinese.
> What do you think ? That could be done easily, no ?

It could be based on file checks in the phpgwapi/setup directory.  we
could have a check to see if the files exist for the langs in that
directory, if they do then they are visible.  Based on the user's
selection those langs are enabled (marked as yes).

Just a thought off the top of my head.



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