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RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] Standard source code header and php Docume

From: Kai Hofmann
Subject: RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] Standard source code header and php Documentor
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 09:22:09 +0200

Hi Dave,
> Firstly, we do not use phpdoc as our inline documentation.  
> We use this

oh sorry I was not aware of this - because the source looks like you are
using nothing.

> This duplicates most of the information already in the 
> standard header.

So maybe changing the standard header would be worth discussion?

> The license link is incorrect it should be

Sorry to say but within the api headers there is mentioned the lgpl - so I
used this one
because its already there.
I license change have to be discussed and voted I think!

Copy from phpgwapi/inc/

        * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it  *
        * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by *
        * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,
        * or any later version.

maybe different parts of phpgw are under LGPL and others under GPL.

> Also the email address is perfect for spam harvesting.

It is also required for developer communication - its sometimes really hard
to found
out your correct email addresses for personal question :(

> If you really want to move to new documentation standard, then propose
> it to the project, not submit a patch - without 
> consultataion.  

Oh sorry as said above the api code looks to me as there was no
documentation standrad.
So I would like to propose to use phpDocumentor as the standard.

> Also you
> might want to outline what your plans are for moving to the new
> standard, ie who is going to make the changes, what time lines, etc.

I plan (independend of probusiness!) to add phpDocumentor comments to the
complete phpgw API!
Maybe someone out there who is interesting in helping me with this?

Because I only can do this in the evening or on weekends this will take time
until January 2004.

Also it would be helpful when I have contributor status to the api for doing


   Kai Hofmann

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