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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Couple of table setup questions

From: Brian Johnson
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Couple of table setup questions
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 21:12:00 +0000

Thanks .. seems my biggest problem was mixing use of oProc-> and db->

Revised setup files for phpgwapi sent to jarg for testing

Ralf Becker (address@hidden) wrote:
>Brian Johnson wrote:
>> I need to add some default records to the setup of addressbook and am trying 
>> to
>> determine the functions of,,
>>,, and
>Look at the setup(3) docu, its in the doc dir of phpgwapi
>> Could someone give me a summary of thier function?
>> Does the get run only when it is a new install or 
>> does it
>> also run when it is an update?
>> Without analysing the SQL (it works when run in a postgresql client), could 
>> someone
>> suggest why with this code never goes into the while loop?
>>                 $db2 = $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db;
>>                 // migrate existing data to phpgw_contact_person
>>                 $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->db->query("SELECT id, owner, access,
>> cat_id, '1' AS contact_type_id FROM phpgw_addressbook ORDER BY id");
>>                 print_r("test1n");
>>                 while ($GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->oProc->next_record())
>>                 {
>>                         $db2->query("INSERT INTO phpgw_contact
>> (owner,access,cat_id,contact_type_id,ab_id) VALUES ("
>>                                 . $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->oProc->f('owner')
>>                                 . "," .
>>                                 . "," .
>>                                 . "," .
>> $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->oProc->f('contact_type_id')
>>                                 . "," . 
>> $GLOBALS['phpgw_setup']->oProc->f('id')
>>                                 . ')');
>>                         print_r("test2n");
>>                 }
>>                 print_r("test3n");
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>Ralf Becker
>digital ROCK, Becker & Macht GbR            Telefon +49 (631) 31657-51
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>D-67663 Kaiserslautern                 EMail address@hidden
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Brian Johnson
* This is where my witty signature line would be if I bothered to edit this 
line :) *

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