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RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] pb Template Set

From: Chris Weiss
Subject: RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] pb Template Set
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 15:45:00 +0000

i've commited, removed the tabs and replaced with a text-only sidebar, and 
fixed a
little bug in phpgwapi's that prevented using a custom theme css 
if the site is configured without a full url for the webserver in setup.

Christian Boettger - Mailings (address@hidden) wrote:
>> From: Kai Hofmann [mailto:address@hidden
>> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 8:58 AM
>> as I heared/read ;-) CW has checked in the pb Template set
>> (for RC2) -
>yes, thanks for that..
>> which is in an outlook like style
>To be a bit more precise: the template set has especially been designed to
>mimic Outlook (Outlook Web Access), so that user coming from Lookout feel
>comfortable to start with phpGW. This has proven to be big plus when talking
>to people used to the
>M$ world.
>> CW: please apply your patch - to make the text only
>> navigation consistent with the icons navigation
>>     and remove the tabs - thanks :)
>The point is that a navigation bar on top (however nice it is) totally
>breaks the desired effect of creating a Lookout-like look. The text only
>version should never have used the tabs on top, this was our fault; we seem
>to have forgotten about testing the text only version.
>There is another general problem with the navigation on top: as soon as you
>enable some more apps for the user (depending on the screen resolution 5 - 6
>may be enough) you end up with a looooooong *horizontal* scroll bar, which
>stretches the main application window as well, often way beyond usability.
>This obviously is a bad idea. BTW: iDots suffers from exactly the same
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