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RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] pb Folders (was Template Set)

From: Kai Hofmann
Subject: RE: [Phpgroupware-developers] pb Folders (was Template Set)
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 15:49:47 +0200

(This is a forward)

Hi Chris,

> no, I installed it and it didn't seem to do anything.  I granted access
> to it and
> there are no prefs or Admin or app.  And there are no readmes docs or
> install
> intructions.

(I believe, you are talking about our folders app from our website)

AFAIK Philipp is currently writing the docs for folders, but he is on a
holiday right now (until next Monday)

After installing folders from setup you have to switch off folders to
show in the navbar (via admin/applications) (*) - there is a todo on our

(*) folders is not a standalone application and therefore doesnot make
sense to show up in the navbar.

folders is only working with prepared template sets - and this is atm
only our template set.

I hope this helps

Andy Schiller

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